Sparkling Diamonds

Cafe Seats.

Suddenly, he pulls away from me and my hand is stretched out in mid-air. His face changes to a playful smile as he takes my hand a shakes it, saying, "Benedict Cumerbatch."

I took a moment to recover as I shook his hand in return, saying, "Diana Wilson. But I prefer Di."

"Nice to meet you Di," Benedict said and stands from his kneeling position.

I glanced over to Benedict's friend, raising an eyebrow. Seeing my motion, he smiles and reaches over to me and stretches out his hand, saying, "Martin."

"Di," I said, shaking his hand.

After we shook hand, Martin and Benedict introduced themselves to Bianca and Eliza whom remained starstruck throughout the process. They did not say long, only staying to introduce themselves before filming commenced that Friday. As Benedict left, closing the door behind him, he glanced back to make eye contact with me. He held it all the way until the door blocked his view and left the room to Eliza, Bianca and myself.

I heard Bianca screaming as span around in her chair. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that she was totally stunned about what happened. Not just then, but what happened up until this point.

"This is an extremely good day," Bianca commented. She looked over to me with a playful smile. "Someone has got their eye on you."

"I'm married," I said, trying to distracted myself with setting up my new desk. I pulled out one of my drawing pads and set it out in from of me, preparing myself for some designs ahead. "I can't cheat on my husband."

"Do you think he has ever cheated on you?" Eliza asked, getting up from her seat across the room and leaning against the table across from my desk. I gave her a look before I started to sketch nothing in particular. Before I knew it, I was drawing a beautiful young woman -- some kind of representation of myself, probably. "Don't give me that look, Di. He probably hasn't been as loyal to you as you have to him."

"I prefer not to think about things like that," I replied. "Whose cheating on whom, what that person thinks of the other…not my kind of thing."

"Well, I'm afraid you picked the wrong industry love," Eliza said. "Because everyone is in each others business. Nothing is private."

"Why the sudden interest in my private life?" I questioned, setting down my pencils and looking up from the sparkling dress that I had drawn. "Usually, you guys completely avoid it."

"Usually," Bianca said, moving her way from her desk beside mine and sitting herself on the edge of mine. "But ever since we got back from Sweeden the other day, you've been looking a lot worse than you usually have."

"So you're saying that I look horrible normally?" I said, annoyed at the fact that my parents found myself as unattractive as I thought I was. "That's a nice fact to know."

"We're not trying to offend you, Di," Eliza said. "We just want to make sure that you're alright and that you start looking at other prospects to try and remove yourself of your husband."

"Other prospects?" I questioned. "Other prospects as in Benedict freaking Cumberbatch?"

"She has a point there," Bianca laughed as there was a soft knock at the door, which brought an end to our conversation. "Come in!"

A small, older, mousy-haired lady came through the door with a few piles of paper. I assumed they were the scripts for this Friday's shoot and hurried over to help her carry the scripts to the big table in the centre of the room.

"You should have received one of those electronic…mail things with the call sheet," said the older woman. "If you want to print them out, there is one of those machines down the hall and on your left. Each of you should have your own log in attached to these scripts so make sure you get the right ones."

And with that, the elderly woman left without introducing herself. She closed the door behind her and left the three of us up to our own devices. Eliza was the closest to the scripts and handed them out to the rest of us with a weak smile and saying our names under her breath as she passed them out.

I took my script and sat cross legged on my desk and flicked over the front page, reading the welcome letter that was attached. It had the username and password of my computer as well as the internet password just incase I brought my own computer that I needed to connect.

I set the welcome letter a side by my desktop computer that the BBC had given me before delving into the first episode of season three of "Sherlock." I hand't realised that so much time had passed because I was so enraptured in the script that I was reading. I glanced to the front of the script to see who it was written by -- Mark Gatiss.

I smiled to myself as I fell back into the reality of the world I lived in with all the problems that I had to deal with. Bianca was in the opposite corner of the room, obviously starting to draw up props that we couldn't buy or find in the props room. Eliza, however, was spinning around on her chair.

I quickly ran over the script again, thinking of anything that I needed to design but could come up with nothing. I sighed, turned to Eliza and said, "Hungry?"

She brightened when I spoke and said, "Famished."

I looked over to Bianca, asking, "Food?"

"Get me something," she said to me, not looking up.

"Sure?" I asked as I picked up my things and made my way to the door with Eliza.

"Positive," Bianca said as she continued working and not even noticing when we left.

Eliza and I headed back down the hallway towards the reception area and out onto the street. We looked up and down, trying to decide where the best place would be to get lunch when, eventually, Eliza lead the way down the street to a small cafe on the corner.

I grabbed a table while Eliza went to go order. When she returned, I would go up to order what I wanted. I was settling myself down when I saw a shadow coming over the table. I put it to the side, thinking that it was just the clouds above but when it didn't move after a while, I looked up to find Benedict standing there -- Martin not far behind him.

"Is this seat free?"