

“Kill her. She knows too much.”

My heart beat thundered in my ears as I looked at my brother straight in his eyes. He wouldn’t pull the trigger. He couldn’t. We were twins, spent our whole lives together, he was my best friend while I was his. He was the first person I had ever seen and been next to since I was a little sperm in my dads’ testicles. There was no way he was about to kill me. I knew he wouldn’t. I hoped he wouldn’t.

“Do it Roman. Do it!” The woman yelled.

A sweat drop rolled down his forehead as he stared right back at me, his gaze so intense I would’ve dropped dead. I could see his hand trembling that held the gun. At this point I had no idea what he was going to do. He had done so many unpredictable things these past months that I had no idea who I was dealing with anymore. I knew though, I knew that whatever was going on in that little gang of friends of his, was what was changing him. He wouldn’t tell me. I have no idea what he’s been going through; but whatever it is, it sure has had its effect on him, that poor soul. I’ve begged him so many times to tell me what was going on with him but he never budged to tell me.

“Dammit Roman kill her already!” the woman beckoned. He gave me that look that pleaded ‘I’m so sorry.’ He used to give me that look if he was going to rat out on me for doing something bad, or if I had a bad break up with a guy. But now those problems seemed so innocent; it made this moment hell.

“Maybe if she doesn’t say anything-” he was about to try to get him and myself out of it but that lady wouldn’t budge. “I don’t trust her.” She spat. “But she wouldn’t say anything, would you Romana?” he asked looking at me with pleading eyes. All I could do was stand there and shake my head no. I didn’t know what else to do. There were four other men behind Roman and the woman, all of which had guns in their hands pointed straight out at me. The lady stepped out of her spot and walked over to me; her high heels making that ‘clacking’ noise that I loved. Her coat tied around her waist and her jeans looked like they came off a model. Her short curly hair bounced with every step she took. Even her lips were devil red, but I must admit; it really complemented her skin tone.

As she made her way to me, she pulled a pistol out of the side of her coat and took it off of safe. She cocked it back getting it ready for fire. “Now, Romana is it?” she purred. In some way she reminded me of a cat. The way she walked and talked, even the way she stared at me gave me the creeps. I gulped in return not daring to speak even though I knew that nothing would come out. “I know you probably wouldn’t say anything to anyone, but I just don’t trust you. The fact that you came this far to finding out what’s going on shows that you’re sneaky and clever and I don’t like that in a girl like you. So, sweetie, I hope you don’t take this personal but I’m gonna have to shoot you since your brother wont do it. It was nice meeting you though.” She said with a smile that said ‘liar’ all over them. I didn’t know what do say. I looked over to Roman in fear. I didn’t know how a kid his age could get mixed up in whatever it was he was mixed up in. It seemed like an impossible job for someone like Roman to accomplish; but I guess this just proves me wrong.

“Please, let her live! She did nothing wrong!” Roman begged. He looked like he was on the verge of crying; I knew I was too. “She snuck around our business. She could have gotten us caught. She has been a complete thorn in my side!” the lady boomed. That shut Roman up instantly.

‘How was I getting in the way?! I wasn’t even snooping around, that liar! I was just asking him what was going on…I’ve been so worried about him…the only reason why I ended up here was because I followed him to get him to come home. I didn’t know this was going to happen. Damn I’m stupid.’ I thought all at once.

I guess the woman noticed my puzzled look and scoffed. “Anyways, take one last look at your brother, you wont be seeing him for a very long time.” She said while placing the gun to the side of my head. “Wait!” I yelped. “What’s that?” She asked. “Let me say something first.” I said, just realizing tears were flowing from my eyes. “Go ahead.” She allowed. I looked at Roman so hurt, I think even he felt it. “I love you so much brother and I’m sorry you had to go through whatever you’re going through. I offered help and I don’t know why you didn’t take it but mom, dad and I still love you….” I said sobbing. I saw a few tears slip from his eyes as well. “Romana…” he said sadly. “I’ll miss you Roman…” I sobbed. I looked down at the ground waiting for the bullet to go through my head.


I heard the woman scream and her gun drop. My head shot up from the ground and all I saw was black that instant. I felt a bag around my head close in.

“Everyone drop their weapons now!” I heard a man say from behind me.

‘Police? FBI? Who is that?’ I thought rapidly to myself. I felt light headed and my knees gave in. Before I fell on the ground someone picked me up by the shoulders. “Get up, get up.” A rushed voice muttered to me.

Next, all I hear is chaos. Guns fired and people yelled. “Don’t let them get away!” was yelled after I was pushed down to the ground next to who ever caught me. “Knock her out!” someone yelled. I heard the person next to me stir. “What? Are you kidding me? I’m not gonna knock out some fifteen year old girl!”

‘Wait, are they talking about me?’ I thought. Not like I knew. I had a freaking sack over my damn head.

“Do it!” the other man pressured. “Sorry…” I heard that same person mutter to me. Something hit me so hard I lost my breath and there was an exploding burst of pain hitting the back of my head.