‹ Prequel: Monster in Your Head
Status: Active

Venom in Your Veins

Back to Hell

Michelle had been overbearing this morning because I was going back to school. She was worried about me starting junior year, saying that they always make fun of you then. I just gave her a wave and walked to the school building. I smirked when I see the bright red hair.

“Lila!” I call out. She turns around and smiles with her arms wide open.

“Well look who decided to come back to school. What’s up Miranda?” She asks putting her hands on her hips.

“Nothing, I just want to go back and be a normal student.” I sigh.

“That’s funny because it’s only been a month of school and most of us want it to be over.” Lila says shaking her head. The doors to the school open and we walk in. We walk to our lockers and start to unpack.

“Hey, Miranda, look behind you,” Lila says pointing. I turn around and see Ronnie with a few of his friends. I smile and walk right up to him and tap his shoulder.

“Miranda! You came back!” He said excitedly.

“Yea, I wanted to surprise you guys.” I smile. Ronnie hugs me and brings me in for a kiss. I smile into the kiss, but that’s not what breaks it up.

“So this is why you won’t get with me because you’re with her?” A brunette said coming up to Ronnie. She was a little shorter than Ronnie and had green eyes.

“I’ve told you that I had a girlfriend. This is Miranda. Miranda that’s Angela.” Ronnie said seeming annoyed. I looked her over and she did me.

“But why her? She’s nothing special.” Angela said.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I say stepping up.

“Honey, look at yourself. You have no boobs.” She says. The girls in her group laugh as I look down ashamed. “I’ll see you later Ronnie.” Angela says winking.

We started walking the hall again and then I asked. “What’s her problem?”

“Angela was the girl who got knocked up from last year. She came back when you left.” Lila answered.

“And she’s been trying to hit on me since then.” Ronnie said rolling his eyes.

“So what gives her the right to make fun of me?” I ask.

“You have something she wants…And rumors have been going around.” Ronnie mumbled the last part, but I heard him clear as day.

“What rumors?” I ask just as the warning bell rang.

“I gotta go.” Ronnie said quickly and high tailed it to his first class. I sigh and follow Lila down the stairs to begin my first day back to hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm back with a sequel. Sorry for the long wait, but here's the start of the sequel.
Hope you enjoyed.
Thank you!