‹ Prequel: Monster in Your Head
Status: Active

Venom in Your Veins

Rumor Has It

I had survived 1st period and I had a 2nd period with Lila. The teacher made me stand at the front of the room until the class was filled to find a seat. Everyone snickered at me, but I didn’t mind it—much. There were two open seats so I chose the one closest to Lila. Five minutes after the bell rang, Angela walked in.

“Ms. Jones, you’re late…again.” The teacher sounded annoyed.

“I have a pass.” She said in a matter of fact tone.

“Very well, go to your seat and take out some paper. We’ve already started.” The teacher said.

Angela started walking to the back of the room, that’s when I prayed that she did not sit next to me. Yet again, my prayers were not answered.
“What do I owe this displeasure?” She asked sitting next to me.

“I didn’t ask to be put in this class.” I say not looking over at her.

“Well, no one wants you here. And man I have no sympathy for you.” Angela said. I swore I could hear her tongue making a whipping sound.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I hiss.

“Oh you don’t know yet?” She asked pretending to care. “We have a rumor stall in the girls’ bathroom.” Angela’s smirk was so evil that you’d think she was Satan herself.

I raised my hand. “Yes Miranda?”

“May I use the bathroom?” I ask.

“Yes, you may.” She wrote up a pass while I slid a permanent marker into my pocket. I swore I heard a little bit of laughter from Angela before I left, but that didn’t matter to me. I was walking so fast, things seemed to have blurred past me. Once I reached the girls bathroom, I bust into stall after stall, happy that no one else was there with me. I finally got to the handicap bathroom, where I see “RUMOR WALL: Place all good and juicy rumors here.”

I skimmed all the way until I started to see my name:
“What happened to Miranda?
She’s crazy now.
I heard she was pregnant!
Is it Ronnie’s?
No, apparently it was her ex-boyfriend.
She was raped by her guardian you assholes!
Oh so she was being a whore?—A”

The last one was signed and I’m pretty sure I knew who did it. The second to last one seemed like Lila’s handwriting.
‘At least one person was trying to help the cause.’ I drew the arrow to Lila’s comment.
“I was raped you dumb bitches. Thanks for not caring!”

I walked back to class so pissed off that I could barely see straight. I didn’t even know what time it was `til the bell rang.
“I hope you have a great day, Miranda.” Angela said with a sneer. Every bone in my body wanted to beat the bitch down into a bloody pulp, but I went with a different option.

“I will and I hope you crabs.” I say. “We all know what you do when you show up late for 2nd period.”
And I walked away to my next class, glad that I actually read the rumor wall.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title credit-- "Rumor Has It" by Adele.
Okay there's another. Thanks for the comments
I know it's been a while, but I'm trying to get caught up in everything.
You guys are awesome!
Thanks for reading!
--<3 Domie