‹ Prequel: Monster in Your Head
Status: Active

Venom in Your Veins

The Letter She Sent

I managed to escape Ronnie and Lila for the rest of the day. Once I got home, Michelle tried to chase me down, but I was quicker. I lock my door and slid to the floor. A tear falls out of an eye as I remember the stares from the people in the halls. The whispers were worse. They pointed and laughed.

"Miranda, how was school?" Jimmy asked from the other side of the door.

"I don't wanna go back." I sob.

"Let me in please?" He asks softly.

I get up and unlock the door. "They hate me." I say plainly.

"Why don't they? It's your first day back."

"I have the reputation of a whore! Somehow they found out and even if I tried to make it right, they'd still make fun of me!" I had broke down by then. Jimmy didn't have to say anything, he just hugged me.

"I know high school sucks." He says into my hair. I just nod my head and keep sobbing.

**A Few Days Later**
Brian's POV

For some reason I felt some deep sadness, but the other inmates have been leaving me alone. Michelle and I have been mailing each other, then all of a sudden they've stopped. Even though she made my life hell for the most part, she was my only contact to the outside world. I sigh as the mail cart comes around.

"Haner!" He called. My ears perk up as I hop of the bunk. I grab the envelop with my name on it. I tear it open and start to read.

"Dear Brian,
I started school yesterday and I was tortured. Thanks to your doing, I'm a whore. But I'm not blaming you, I blame Matt for leaving me with you. I wanted to quit school, but you taught me not to satisfy the haters. You make them shut up. So I'm not gonna be like Michelle and blame you. I'm blaming fate and thanking you. So thank you...for making me semi-stronger. Your son is doing well. (Thought I should add that.)

This letter broke me. It had the same tone as Michelle's many, but it was from Miranda. When I thought she would never talk to me ever again. I let some tears fall.

"Therapy, Haner!" The Warden yelled. I sniffed and took my letter with me. The therapist is gonna want this. He would want to take it and burn it...just to make the point that has been drilled into my head since day 1: You can't love her.
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Did you guys miss Brian and his attitudes?
I know it isn't the best thing, but it helps builds the story.
I really like this story so please give me some kind of feedback?
--<3 Domie