‹ Prequel: Monster in Your Head
Status: Active

Venom in Your Veins


After a few days of avoiding Angela, I've been trying to isolate myself. Ronnie and Layla have been trying to break my shell so that they don't know why I feel so crabby. I manage to avoid everyone for 3 days until I got home from school.

"You sent a letter to Brian!" Michelle yelled more than asked. She was holding an already opened piece of paper that started with 'Dear Mandy'.

"Yea." I state flatly. "Why are you opening my mail?"

"Don't try to change the subject, young lady!" She sounded pissed. "Why would you do that?"

"'Cause I can." I say with no emotion what-so-ever. "And what's the big deal? I just wanted to tell him how I was doing."

Michelle looked me deep in the eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're going down the track of--" Josh started cry and Michelle got up and pointed to me. "We'll continue this conversation later." And she walked down the hall.

I sighed, got up, and grabbed my letter. I walked up the stairs to my room and locked the door. Once I sat at my desk, I unfolded the letter and began to read.

"Dear Mandy,
I don't know what to say, but I showed the therapist the letter you wrote and he said that it'd be great to have you as a penpal. But if you don't want to, I'd understand.

Sincerely, Brian."

I picked up my pen and starting writing. I know it's probably a bad idea, but a lot of women have been in my shoes. I don't know how I'm gonna tell Michelle, my therapist, Lila, or Ronnie. All I know is that they're gonna be pissed.

But I think I'm still in love with Brian.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been a while, but I finally got this up.
There's a twist in there, did you like it? I really hope you do.
Stayed tuned for next chapter.