Status: In progress! I'm on it!

The thought of you is no ***ing fun.

2. Falling asleep on a stranger.

I giggled as both looked around the bus searching for familiar faces, but we were all alone.
"And now what?" I asked him curiously.
He smiled and his dimples showed. My knees got weak, I mean who can stand straight up when he flashes his charming smile.
"Well, we can grab some food, it's lunchtime. So wanna go out and grab something?"
"Yeah sure. On the festival area maybe?" I said.
He nodded and we went out from the bus area and entered the festival area.

We wandered around, I noticed that some girls were following us.
"Jaime, sweetie, there's some girls that wanna talk to you." I poked his side and said it as I waved to the girls to come to us.
The girl group were cute around 14-16 years, 10 girls at least, they were all shy but tough enough to ask for pictures and getting their CD covers signed. He was at his charming mood, I saw how some of them melted, I bet at least one had a crush on him. It's obvious when you're almost drooling and you're whispering hysterically after taking pictures and getting things signed. It's fun to stand aside and watch the whole thing.
They stood there talking and I didn't want to interrupt so I texted Charlotte asking where she was, got a short reply that she was with Mike. I smiled at the screen since I knew what that text meant. We girls really have a "girl code" exactly alike the boys "bro code". We just don't see it as a code.

"Girls I'm sorry, but I need to leave so we can eat before soundcheck. But I'll see y'all later at the signing and at the show!" He said, flashing his biggest smile as he came up to me and lifted me a little and hugged me. I couldn't help but giggle. I could see that one of the girls gave me the evil stare, I would've been dead if those could kill.
We walked to a pizza stand and ate our pizza quietly.
"Jaime, for how long have Mike and Charlotte had their 'thing'?" I asked.
"Well since a month or so, they clicked. They're a nice couple. Quite different but still opposites attracts." He said laughing at my confused face.
"She didn't tell you, did she?" He asked me still laughing.
"No, I guess she wanted me to find out by myself." I said, over thinking it.
"What you wanna do next?" He asked with a huge grin on his face, like he had something planned.
"You look like a fool with that enormous grin on your face, so I guess you had something in mind?" I laughed.
"Yup, time to meet everyone else on this tour. There's so many people I'd like you to meet." He said dragging me to the backstage area.

While flashing our passes for the security guard (he reminded me of Vin Diesel in Fast Five with all those muscles, not the first one I'd like to argue with) a jumping guy scooted over to us, instead of hanging with his crew. He was skinny, his hair was black with some blonde highlights and he was jumping all over the place.
"Dude, did they give you too much Monster today?" Jaime laughed.
"No... I haven't had a single one yet. Who's blondie?" He asked curiously as his eyes undressed my body and grinned.
"Jack - Sophia, Sophia - Jack. Jack plays guitar in All Time Low." Jaime said.
"Oh I thought I recognized you! Nice to meet you. Your music is awesome." I said shaking his hand, it felt more appropriate.
"Jack! Asshole, we have a signing to do, get over here you lazy fuck!" Someone yelled, I saw that it was Alex Gaskarth.
"Sorry, busy day. I'll smell ya later bro, and gorgeous, we'll definitely meet again." He smiled and ran away to Alex.

"Well that was interesting, he's a little weird but his personality makes you instantly relax." I said grinning.
"Yeah, he's also the best person you can know since everyone knows him, and he knows who everybody is. At least in this industry." Jaime said smiling and taking my hand.
I looked up to see him smiling like a fool again, I couldn't help but laugh. He made me feel butterflies and happiness in general. I'm weird in that way, I laugh when I'm nervous or pretty much any situation. Except when I'm concentrated.
"I'm glad I can make you smile. By the way we need to head to the Kia Soul Stage where we're playing. Soundcheck time babe!" He looked at his cellphone and started walking in a faster pace.
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Just a filler, I love that I already have got comments on it. Maybe should post another story here as well (from another community). Thanks for your support this far! And I'm sorry if the grammar is wrong or something, I'm actually from Sweden so yeah.