Status: I wrote the last chapter on July 11, 2012

She Has a Stairway to Heaven for Sale.


I enjoy my small snow cone. School will be starting next week. I am getting nervous about it, but I shouldn't have too much trouble with. I am starting my last year of high school which seems exciting.

Everyone is going to expect me to make a perfect grade point average, to have a perfect school year, to look perfect every single day, and most importantly to actually be perfect. They have built up this image of me that I somehow am supposed to keep this reputation. I want to have fun and live a little. I want to be a little bit more adventurous. I want to be a little bit more bad. But I can't. I have to be what the others see me as. I have to work hard every day to appear to be some perfect person that everyone wishes they were.

I would love to see them do what I do. Maybe then they would stop holding me up to this so-called perfection that I am not. I only appear to be. And it is all because my parents used to force me to dress a certain way and act a certain way. If it wasn't for them, I could be like the rest of my classmates.

They don't invite me to parties. They don't even speak about parties in front of me. I am not supposed to know what a party is apparently, but I hear about it all the time on their pages online. They post statuses about it all the time. I guess they don't realize I can read what they are talking about. They don't make fun of me, but they do keep things from me. And they seem to pity me almost.

I want to show everyone that I can be bad, and I can be just like them. I want to prove it just once at least, but will they even let me give the chance? Will they even believe it was me who did it?

Dear world,

I'm selling my stairway to heaven. Who has the best offer?

Trying to find imperfection,
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, well. I got the name from listening to Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. I just liked the idea.