Status: I wrote the last chapter on July 11, 2012

She Has a Stairway to Heaven for Sale.


I arrive at school during that 'perfect' life. Brandon walks up to me. He gives me a flirty smile. He seems to try to much to get my attention. "What is it, Brandon?" I ask.

"Well, how was your weekend?" he asks. "What did you hear about in church yesterday?"

"Well, I went to a party on Friday. I slept most of Saturday. And you were at church, so you tell me! I never pay attention to anything those people say. Never have, never will," I answer rudely. I walk off and go off to find Kyle standing in the alley way. I walk up to him and pull the cigarette out of his mouth. I take a drag of it and blow the smoke in his face.

"Well, aren't you just the little badass?" Kyle laughs, pulling out another cigarette and lights it. "I had to buy more cigarettes sooner than I should have thanks to you. My brother had bought me more and I owe."

"Oh, fuck you, Kyle," I say, flipping him off. "Not everything is about your smoking problem, you know?"

"My smoking problem? Excuse me, but I don't find me smoking a problem. So there is no problem here." Kyle gives me an evil grin. "Hey, instead of going to another party how about you come over to my place, and we can have a party with just the two of us?"

"Are coming to get get me?" I ask. I give Kyle a good look. He has a attractive face. I only realized at the party that he is very beautiful. I also found out that he is also a great kisser. He was a little too drunk, and I really didn't care. He leaned into me and kissed me pushing his tongue in my mouth and I followed along. I pull myself out of my thoughts.

"Of course." He leans in and kisses me for the second time know. " Now let's go to class."


Dear Kyle,

Why do I feel like this?

Going crazy,
♠ ♠ ♠
What did I forget to mention that kiss from the party?