Status: I wrote the last chapter on July 11, 2012

She Has a Stairway to Heaven for Sale.

Two Twenty Dollar Bills

I pull into his driveway. I notice Kyle sitting on the porch. I notice that he has a beer can in his left hand. I hop out of the car. I go up to him and ask, "Are you going to be drunk all night?"

"No, this is the only one I had all day. I just decided to have one. I know what I promised. If it's just us, I'm not going to drink too much. If there is others with us, there is no stopping me," he replies, calming my worries.

"My mother would hate me so much right now." I sit down next to him watching him drink his beer. I look at his pocket to see that he has his cigarettes hidden there. I wait until he really isn't paying much attention to me, and I gently pull out the pack.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kyle asks, trying not to laugh. "If you wanted one, all you have to do is ask."

"Yeah, I know. But where is the fun in that?" I ask him. I give him my best innocent smile that I can muster up.

"Hey miss 'perfect' that look don't work on me. I have seen you at a party where you smoked all my cigarettes." He nudges me with his shoulder.

"Are you seriously not going to let me live that down?" I ask him shocked. I mean I know that I should have held back on the little round things, but they were just so good to me.

"No, I am not. I owe my brother twenty bucks. I still haven't found a way to pay him back yet anyway," he answers.

I get up and run to my car. I pull out my purse and pull out two twenty dollar bills. I run back to him. "Here. Give him a twenty, and you can keep the other twenty since I smoked them all."

He looks like he isn't going to take it. "Fine. Even though I shouldn't take money from a girl like you. You might expect interest when I return it."

"Oh, no! You are not paying me back. This is me paying you back," I assure him.
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