Status: I wrote the last chapter on July 11, 2012

She Has a Stairway to Heaven for Sale.

Say No To Drugs

Kyle and I would either go to some sort of party, or we would go to his place. The more I party the more wild I become. The only thing that is perfect for me is my grades. Kyle would let me keep my grades up. The people in school would stop making me out to be the perfect person. I have become the bad girl of the school with perfect grades. Brandon talks to me on a rare occasion, but not as much as he used to. I don't see Theo much now because he has become sick a lot here recently.

At one of the parties, some chick got me addicted to some illegal substances. I wanting to tell anyone what they are for reasons. I get skinnier and skinnier because of it though. Kyle eventually decided here recently that I am not to go to any parties with anything beside alcohol and cigarettes are at.

This morning I woke up to sharp pains in my stomach. I curl up into a ball holding my stomach. I hear Kyle come in. He runs to me and says, "That's why I warned you to stay off the drugs. I don't even do that, babe. That stuff can kill you faster than cigarettes and alcohol. Don't worrying. It'll go away. You weren't that bad at it when I stopped you. You'll survive."

I spent the whole day in major pain. Around nine in the afternoon, the pain subsided. I get out of bed and don't even feel sick anymore. I just feel hungry. I mean extremely hungry. I go down the stairs to see Kyle sitting on the couch watching TV. He had left the room with tears in his eyes. He hasn't done drugs. I don't think he ever will. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Grace, don't do drugs again, okay?" he looks at me. At this point, I see how serious he is about this. He is against drugs.

"Okay. I'm done. I won't do it again," I assure him. I sit down beside him, forgetting about my hunger.

"I can't bare to see someone that I care about going down dying from drugs again. I have been through it once. I will not let it happen again. I just won't be able to handle myself if it happens again," he explains.

He eventually gets up and cooks me something to eat. I sit there and think about what he said. I wonder who he lost. I really don't want to pry for information. I don't think I know how to begin with that. I guess he will open up to me one day about everything that happened in his life that made him who he is today. I just don't want to get into something and not know how to handle it.

I guess I should have said no to that chick at that party. I guess I should have stayed with Kyle the whole time instead of wondering off. I should have done this, and I should have done that. I don't need to regret anything. Life is way too short to live like with regrets. I mean now I know what I did wrong, and I know I won't do it again.
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It's been a long time. Writer's block. Oh, what fun is that! I finally just sat down and wrote this. I guess this is better than anything else. And this one did get into some pretty deep stuff. I do plan on going more into of Kyle's history. It will help explain him more. But I think maybe next chapter I will have the mom chew Grace out for something.
Don't be silent readers.