Status: I wrote the last chapter on July 11, 2012

She Has a Stairway to Heaven for Sale.


Kyle stands there for a second and laughs. He finally stops after catching his breathe. "So you are telling me that you, little miss perfect, is friends with the school nerd? Wait, make that best friends with the school nerd." He tries to hold back another series of giggles.

I look him over. He really isn't judging me. He just surprised who I'm friends with. He finds this hilarious. "Yeah, is that a problem?" I ask. I am doing this for the benefit that I am right.

"Oh, there isn't a problem. It just comes as a shock to me. You won't see this in another million years. I might as well enjoy it now," Kyle says jokingly. "But listen party Friday night. It's out of town so don't worry. Maybe an hour out of town. You wanna go, Grace? Nerd?"

"His name is Theo. Not 'nerd'. And why do you think that I would want to go?" I glare at him. I almost want to say yes, but then I remember what he said about me caving in too easily. I will probably end up going with him to this party, but I might as well put up a small fight beforehand.

"Because I know you don't want to be perfect. I know that you want to be just like me. You want what I have, and I'm willing to give it to you," Kyle says. He knows exactly what I want, but how?

"How do you know that? I might be happy not going to parties. I just want to be normal," I lie. I think it is more for myself than for him.

"You don't want to half-ass it. You want to go as far as you can with it. You can't just be normal. It isn't in your personality," Kyle says truthfully. He isn't much of a liar, is he? I somehow believe that he does lie. A lot.

"Don't listen to him, Grace. That's nothing but trouble," Theo begs. "You don't want to be like him, do you?"

"Theo, I don't know anymore really. I want to be something else, but I'm still unsure about it," I answer honestly.


Dear Kyle,

What are you trying to do to me? How do you know so much?

Beginning to cave in once again,
♠ ♠ ♠
Is this going to be her first party? Starting to look like it.
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome:)