Status: Working on, hoping you guys like it!

The Apocalypse

Chapter Five

Bang ! I heard a small wail coming from the distance. Bang! I opened my eyes and sat up, the little girl was in the fetal position, crying silently in the corner. Bang! She let out another wail. We were the only two in the room. I quickly got up and ran to her. "What's wrong?" I whispered to her. Bang! I straightened up. "What the heck is that sound!" I said as I walked towards the beds. "It... It's... Them..." She whispered. "Wha-" I was interrupted as I heard glass shattering in the hallway. "They're here! They've made it inside!" She screamed as her whole body started vibrating.

"What's your name," I muttered as I rushed over to her. "A-Amanda..." She whispered as I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and held onto me by my neck. I dashed out the door, and sure enough, there was some poor soul being eaten alive by one of those things... "Cover your eyes Amanda," I said as I patted her back. She let out a small whimper as we heard the zombie ripping into the mans flesh behind us. I ran and ran, where I was going I had no idea, but I had to get Amanda and I as far away from those things as I could.

We kept running I had no idea where I was, but I didn't care as long as we made it out alive, I'd be okay. I saw blood smeared all over the walls as I ran, faster, faster, I kept thinking. But as I thought about that, I'd catch up to a zombie, in a minute or two. Every time. I saw something ahead of me. But what? As we got closer to it, I could make out the colours, it was red, grayish and brown. With a bit of black.

I got closer, it was TRAVIS! I ran towards him. He limped to me. "OH HONEY! YOU'RE ALIVE!," I was so excited to see him I was practically screaming at him.

"Euhhh," he groaned.

I was about to reach out to hug him when I noticed he smelt like rotten corpses. He was a ZOMBIE?! I took a step back Amanda looked at me with a what the heck is your problem face? Then Travis. He grossed her out a lot you could really tell on her face. She hid her face in my shirt. "Eww, Travis since when did you become one of them?"

"Euhhh," he groaned again. Man, did that ever get on my nerves, he used to be my Travis.

I was so upset! I put Amanda down behind me. "Just a second Amanda, I need to do something." She nodded and turned around. Travis was walking towards me, he kept on tripping on his feet. I just had to laugh. I quickly searched for something heavy or anything that would "kill" him or at least knock his head off.

I found a pillow, I tried to hit him. But. . . Well you know how would a pillow "kill" a zombie? So, I kept searching this time I saw an old lamp. I ran to get it, as Travis tripped on his feet again. I picked up the lamp ripping the wires from the wall with it. I charged towards Travis, hitting him in the head. That worked out nicely.

His arm fell to the ground, along with his head. "Oops," I said as I kicked his head in the wall. Oh boy, this felt good! I picked up Amanda and was in hot pursuit, again.

Just then that boy who was in the room last night ran up behind us and tapped me on the shoulder. I think his name was Jake? He ran up to us and whispered, "Thank god you guys are okay," he said in relief. He looked over to where I destroyed Travis. I blushed, and he laughed. "Girl, you've got some moves," he said amused.

"Thanks," I said. "I knew him once, he was a jerk." I smiled then looked at Amanda. She looked happy to see Jake.

Suddenly he was serious, he grabbed my arm and dragged Amanda and I behind him. "We have to hurry and get out of here. They're everywhere." We ran through the doors and into a black truck. "Get your seat belts on, fast!"

I rushed my seat belt on. I noticed Amanda was having trouble. So, I leaned over and helped her. It was hard, my hands were shaking like crazy. Jake pulled out of the drive way. He looked around carefully making sure nothing was following us.

I watched his face. He had to be younger than me. He looked so young. But, oh well it's either he drives me to some place or those. . . .zombies, kill me. I chose the he drives me to some place, idea. I liked that one more. He showed no sign of stress just anger and fury.

He turned left down the road. I had no idea where we were. "Where are we? Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Umm. . . .Well, right now we're in Seattle. And I'm not sure where we're going. But I'm looking for a place where there isn't any of. . . . .of. . . .the--"

"Zombies," I whispered.

"Yes I suppose that's what they are." We kept driving. Amanda fell asleep right away. My stomach growled, I was hungry. "Is everything okay back there?" He asked.

"Umm, yeah. Everything is fine, don't worry."