Status: Working on, hoping you guys like it!

My Emo Prince

Chapter Eleven


Three months later...

Pain. Torture. Death. That is what people expected to happen in the next few months of my life. But really it was bliss. We'll when I was in consciousness it was. I'm only awake for about an hour or two a day now. The rest is just darkness... an endless black cloud. I know the end is near... As does everyone else. I haven't seen anyone for almost a month. Doctors aren't allowing anyone in to see me. Which I think is unfair, I mean I know I'm going to die any day now, so why can't I see my loved ones? I know my Dad is probably dieing inside, his baby girl is about to slip out of his caring grip forever. And all he can do is sit and watch.

It kills me to think that others are suffering from my own pain. Well the pain that others think I have. Really it's just like a constant high, a buzz that never leaves. I can't feel anything, I'm like this motionless thing that lays there, completely numb... Just watching the world go by. Five days ago, I was moved to a room that I was sharing with two other girls.

They both looked my age, maybe a year or two older. One of them was diagnosed with Leukemia like me, the other had a brain tumor. On the second night, the girl who had leukemia silently passed away in her sleep. I hope my death comes as quickly and swiftly as her's had. But last night was probably one of the scariest nights in my whole life. The girl who had a brain tumor, her name was Vienna, kept constantly screaming out in pain.

Doctors and nurses were in and out all night long. Those antagonising screams rang throughout the hallway. Finally they rolled her out of the room, a trail of dripping blood following her out the room. I stared at the blood for almost half an hour until a nurse came in and gave me my next dose of medicine, which knocked me out cold.

I woke up in the morning to a completely pristine room. But I was all alone... I was told only a few minutes ago that Vienna's tumor had grown big enough that it put to much pressure on her her skull that it split it, which sent a splinter into her brain... And ultimately she had lost to much blood, and she passed away. In only the matter of Five days, not even a week, both of my roommates had died. It terrified me!

A nurse slowly wheels in my lunch. But she know's a won't eat it... I can't, not until someone comes and feeds me. My life is horrible, I can't do anything on my own because of the damn medication the have me on! I just wish that I could do something on my own, at least sit up, but no... I can't even blink! My eyes are half closed, just staring in one spot. It probably looks like I'm already dead, the only thing telling people that I'm still breathing is that constant beep, beep, beep, that the machine behind my head makes, telling people that my heart is still beating. Other than that... I'm dead.

The nurse leaves my room with a sad smile, and I'm once again stuck staring at the floor. But she left the door open at least, so now I can kind of see what's going on in the hallway... Which usually isn't very much. Suddenly a herd of doctors and nurses go rushing by my door and within seconds they run by the door in the other direction, pulling a stretcher behind them that's carrying the gory, bloody, pulverised body of a girl.

The only thing slightly recognisable is her face. I think... I think I've seen her somewhere before. She has the same lifeless expression I do, her eyes holding a blank stare. And that's when my slow, drugged brain finally puts a name to her face. I command my mouth to open and let out a strangled yell, man did it hurt my unused throat.

"Nikki!" I shout as the bloody heap of limbs gets towed past my door.


Three Days Earlier...

My life is messed. Everything can change in the blink of an eye... Like how I'm now living on the streets, hungry, drunk and high. I honestly, don't know how my life got here... But after I woke up in my room that one day a few months ago, and I had that strange thirst... Everything went downhill. I started to skip school, I partied all the time and I got mixed in with drugs.

Now I make a living off of selling heroine and cocaine. I ran away about a month ago, leaving everyone surprised and shocked. After I got more and more into trouble, selling drugs more and more, getting drunk every night, stripping... The thirst started to calm down, and I could start to make sense of my scrabbled thoughts, I realised how much shit I was in. But I was too far in to turn around now... And that's how I ended up here, at this dealing.

Knock! "Who is it?" A gravely voice asked from the other side of the door. "Your little sunshine," I murmured. I heard a small cough come from the other side as the door slid open. A little man, barely five feet tall walked around the side of the door and down the hall. "Follow me," He ordered. We walked for almost ten minutes, passing many doors... Some making noises I'd rather not remember, others the clinking of bottles, and some terrified, muffled screams.

"The boss is through that door," He told me as he turned and walked back down the hall. I knocked. "Come in," a voice boomed from the other side. I opened the door and walked in. There was a chubby man dressed in a very nice brown suit sitting at the other side of the desk. He had two women half naked sitting in the corners of the room, smoking something. Probably some highly illegal drug.

"Ah, my favorite little piece of hell is here!" He said as he clapped his hands. "Please, take a seat," He gestured to one of the black leather chaise that sat in front of his desk. I sat down gingerly. "How are you Serenity?" I started going by Serenity soon after I got into the drug business. "I'm fine Mr. Brassi, I hope you are doing well," I said stone-faced. I've learn't to hid any and all emotions from my face, because I've learnt the hard way that they can get you to some places you don't want to go.

"Please call me Mo, or Sal. No need to be business like here! We're all family in the house of Brassi," He sang as he lifted up his arms and walked in a small circle. Yeah... Like I haven't heard that before. His full name was Morose Salvatore Brassi, but he will never be anything more than Mr. Brassi to me.

"So, what have you brought for me today?" He asked as he eyed my guitar case hungrily. I stole it from a beggar on the side of a road, hoping that it had a guitar in it, so that I could sell it for some money. But unfortunately it had nothing in it. But it has proved to be very helpful in my dealings. "The usual," I muttered as I sat it on my lap and unhatched it, the lip tipped open revealing at least seven pounds of drugs.

He smiled at me and leaned over his desk. "Very nice... Do you have my money?" He asked as I handed over the heavy bags. A huge smile on his face. "Umm..." I muttered. His smile faded. "You don't have it," He asked as he leaned back in his chair and the two woman came up and took the bags. "Well... No.... But can't I repay you in some other way? I could get you double the amount you got this week, I just need time," I said as I closed the case and placed it between my legs.

"No!" He shouted, his voice vibrating off of every thing in the room. "I gave you time! You wasted it!" He shouted as he stood up and walked to the other side of the room and poured himself a drink. "I need just a little more time! Just a little more! Give me... Three days, I can get it by then," I promised him. He turned around suddenly, his face beat red. He burled towards me and struck out at me. Whack! I fell of my chair, tears starting to pool in my eyes. No! Don't show weakness! He'll get rid of you immediately! I scolded myself.

I swallowed the tears and looked at him in the eyes. "I'll have it by then, I promise. I just need the time," I said as I stood up. He clenched his jaw as he thought this over. He was probably wondering if he should just kill me now. I tenderly touched the raw spot on my cheek. "Fine... Three days. That is all you're going to get. If you don't have it by then..." He trailed off, but I knew what would happen. He'd get rid of me... permanently. And the last thing I wanted was to be found cut up into pieces and stuffed in a suitcase.

"Thank you," I muttered as I picked up my case and walked out of the room. I heard him mutter something under his breath, Three days... I thought. I could do that, I could do it... As long as I didn't sleep. As soon as the cool night air hit my face I knew exactly where I was going to go. The casino. It was the only place I could go if I wanted to get that much money in that little time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Serenity!" Leonardo Tagliano greeted me as I walked into the poker room. Leonardo was the owner of the casino. He was a good guy, in his late sixties. A good guy that hosted some of the biggest and most dangerous murderers, drug dealers, bounty hunters, strippers anything that you associated with the streets, every night. "Hey Leo," I said as he wrapped me in a hug. He leaned back and inspected my red, swollen cheek. "What happened baby?" He asked as he squinted at me. "Brassi," I mumbled. "Ah," Was all he said as he dragged me away. "Need some money?" He asked as he took me to a table. "What do you think," I asked as I stood next to him.

He laughed. "Girl, in the kind of world we live in, you always need money," He said as he gave me a sideways glance. "So... You in?" He asked. I nodded and the game commenced. Sweat dripped on my brow. I'd been playing this game for years, but I've only started to play seriously the last few months. So I wasn't horrible... But there defiantly were people here who could win me out in a second.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I laughed like a drunk. Well I was a drunk, so it suited me. Leo had been handing me drinks through out the last three games. And now I was starting to get a little tipsy. So far I'd won 780,950 dollars... But I needed a million. This game will be the biggest win of the night, if someone were to win right now, they'd walk away with 650,500 bucks. That would give me some money left over... Which would be great! I just have to make that guy with the ugly scar on his nose fold, and it's all mine! I had a feeling I wouldn't get it but I needed to try. I'd been here all night, I seriously needed a nap...

I set my head on the table and closed my eyes. I could hear people saying stuff, probably telling me to sit up or something but I was.... So... Tired... Suddenly someone tapped me on my shoulder. I jumped up quickly knocking over my stool. "Shit," I muttered as I bent over and picked it up. "Want me to take your seat?" Asked Leo. "Oh... Um, sure I guess... Can you do that? Isn't it like against the rules or something?" I asked as I grabbed my guitar case from the floor. It had all of the money in it.

"Who cares? Its my casino, I can do whatever the hell I want," He said as he took my spot at the table. "Okay... I'm going out for a smoke and then can I crash one of your rooms?" I asked as I walked towards the exit. "Sure. Now go have your smoke and go to bed, girl!" He said as he turned to face the table. I sighed and opened the door to outside. I can't remember the last bed I slept in that didn't have some dirty guy in it that paid for my sex.

I staggered around the casino to the ally that was beside it. I think I'm more drunk than I thought... I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my pack. I light a cigarette and leaned against the wall. Leo better win, or else I'll kick his old ass. I closed my eyes and thought about what my life used to be like. I had friends... Actual friends, not ones that threatened me if I didn't give them money, drugs or sex. When I had a roof over my head, food to eat and an education. I miss everyone... But I can't go back. I owe to much to the people who live this kind of life. Not only would they come after me then, but everyone I cared about too.

I felt someones hand wrap around my mouth. My eyes shot open. "Shhh..." They cooed in my ear. God dammit! How fucking stupid am I! Just let your guard down when you're at one of the most dangerous places in the whole fucking city! His hands smelt funny... They were kind of... Making me... Sleepier... What is... That called... Chloroform! And then, I went limp.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I dug my head deeper into my pillow. "Ow!" I shout as I sit up. I look at my pillow, only it isn't a pillow... It's rocks. To be correct I'm not even in a bed at all. Nope, I'm laying, on the side of a road. "How the hell did I get here?" I say as I stand up. I can't remember... Suddenly it hits me. I was drugged asleep! I quickly look down at myself. "I don't look like I was raped... I have all my clothes... And I'm not sore, well my back is. But I did just sleep on the ground." I say to myself. Why am I talking to myself? I look around me... I have no idea where I am.

I search my pockets. Nothing, no cell, not even my pack! I stick out my thumb, and after a few minutes someone stops. "Hello, could you please help me? Where are we," I ask as the lady rolls down her window. "Just outside of L.A. Do you need a lift?" L.A. Well that's good, at least I'm not in China or something. "Yeah, can you drop me off at Swale Drive?" I asked as I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. "Sure," She said as we pulled back onto the road.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I get out of the car and walk down the street towards Leo's casino. It's only like ten so he's probably not open yet, but I know how to get in. I walk to the back of the casino and pull out a loose brick, there is a little key in the space, I pick it up and put the brick back. I open the back door and walk in. I go to Leo's room and knock.

I stand there for a few minutes and then I hear the shuffling of feet on the other side. Leo opens the door wide open. He's wearing a bath robe. I can see a girl in his bed, she looks to be about twenty. "Have fun last night?" I ask with a smirk. His eyes widen and suddenly he scowls. "Where the hell have you been Missy! You just disappeared, you've been off radar for the last two days!" He shouts, waking up the sleeping girl. I take a step back, completely surprised.

"Two days! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! I... I need to go! Do you have my money?" I ask as I push past him and run into his room, looking for my guitar case. "No, I lost," He says as he goes and lays back down on the bed. "You... What!" I shout. "Well... Where the fuck is my case!" I say as I start to freak. He lost! Shit, the money I already won will have to do, hopefully Brassi will only breaks a few bones. "I don't know, you took it outside with you," He says as he buries his head in the girls neck and she starts to giggle. Eww... That is gross.

"What!" I scream. "So I have nothing! Nothing at all! I am so fucking dead" I shout as I punch the wall. "Fuck!" I scream again. I rub my sore hand. "Calm down! You don't have nothing, you have the money with you, where have you been the past few days?" He asks as he sits up. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" I scream at him. "I woke up on the side of a road this morning!" I start to walk towards the door. "What? How the hell did you end up there?" He gets up and follows me to the door. "If I knew... Do you think... I'd... Never mind!" I shout as I run down the hall.

I can't leave town, they'll send people after me. I'll be dead then for sure. Maybe if I explain it to him, he'll understand... What the hell am I saying, no he won't! I guess... I might as well get this over with... I walk out the front doors of the casino, calling for a cab. A bright yellow car pulls up in front of me. I wonder if the driver would stop for me if he knew he was taking me to my death?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I fall down onto my knees. "Please! Please! I can get it! I know I can, I had it on the first night, but someone stole it! Please!" I beg Mr. Bassi as his henchmen whip my back again. I'm covered in scars, I'm bleeding everywhere and I'm pretty sure that they have broken my arm. I scream out as one of his henchmen cut deep into my arm. "No," Is his simple response. I start to get light headed... I think... It's from all the blood lose. "You had your time... And you wasted it, so now... You pay," He says in a sick and twisted voice as he comes up behind me and whispers in my ear. "I think I like this method of paying better," He brushes the cold tip of a revolver on my cheek.

"No..." I whimper. "Goodbye, Serenity... It was nice working with you," He says with a smile, I hear the click as he pulls back the trigger. I wish I would've stayed at home... And then there is another quiet click as he lets go and pain explodes in my chest. Everything slowly fades away... And I'm left with that last thought stuck in my head.