Status: Completed :3

The Happiest Year of Our Lives


I sat in the waiting room a few hours later. My fingers gripped the seat I was sitting in tightly. "Are you Mr. Purdy's boyfriend?" A doctor asked walking up to me. I nodded my head and the doctor shook his head and looked down. Oh no, he's going to tell me that Ashley is dead... "I'm afraid to tell you this, but Mr. Purdy has seemed to have slipped into a coma. There's nothing we can do now, but wait..." I tried to blink away the tears that were forming in my eyes. I looked up at the doctor and said, "C-can I see him?" He nodded his head and I followed him into the room where Ashley was laying. He was hooked up to a heart monitor that beeped slowly. That's when the tears hit me. I ran up to his sleeping body and I took his hand tightly in my grip. I just met him today. I've fallen in love with him. Now I'm watching him lay in a coma. This has been one really fucked up day... I kissed Ashley's lips softly and I said, "I will find who did this to you. When I do I'll make sure they pay. They'll fucking pay for everything they did." I never left his side for the rest of the night.

A week past and I spent every single waking hour at the hospital at Ashley's side. I ditched school to be with the man I loved. I walked out of Ashley's room for just a moment to get something out of the vending machines. A nurse went into the room whenever I left because they wanted some time alone to check on their patient. I got a bag of chips from the vending machine and as I was walking back to the room I heard voices. One of them was the nurse, but the other was one that I hadn't heard in the past few days. I dropped my chips to the ground and ran back to the room. I interuppted what the nurse was saying, but at the moment I really didn't care. "Ashes!" I squealed and wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. He moaned softly and I realized that I had a squeezed him a bit too tight and crushed his broken ribs. "I-I am sorry," I stuttered and pulled the chair I've been sitting in closer to his bed. I grabbed his hand tightly and started rubbing small circles into the smooth skin. It was silent a few moments as I thought of how to ask Ashley the questions I was wondering. "Who did this to you?" I asked. All I really knew right now was that a guy had thrown Ashley onto a porch. Whoever the guy was, he called my Ashes a lot of damage. "I can't say," he mumbled biting his lip like he always does when he's nervous. Rage bubbled up in my gut and I asked him the next question while trying to hold back a growl. "Why did this person do this to you?" He sighed and then said, "Again, I can't say." Why wasn't he giving me straight answers to my questions?! I looked at him annoyed and said in a tart voice, "Fine if you can't tell me any of that, then tell me what they did to you." That's when he told me all of it. He told me about the raping and the beating and somehow he still managed to conceal the identity of his attacker. A few tears streamed down my cheeks and I whispered to him, "I'm sorry, my Ashes. I never should have left you. I wish I never met you!" He started crying harder, sobs escaping his throat as he tried to say something to me. I leaned over and kissed his soft lips one last time and I stood up and walked out of the room. This was all my fault. I can't face him. I can't hurt him any more... "Andy, please don't go, please!" he cried out, but I ignored his sobs, no matter how much I wanted to go see him and wrap my arms around him and tell him it's alright. I walked out. I'm not causing him any more pain...

I sat in my room alone. I was hunched over in the corner crying my eyes out until there were no more tears. I reached over in my drawer and fumbled around for my shiny silver friend. I held the razorblade in my fingers and slowly pulled back my long sleeve. I ran the sharp edge along my wrists and hissed as I felt the pain being drawed to them. That's when I found myself etching the exact same word that Ashley had carved into his wrist the day I met him. "Saviour," My bleeding wrist cried out. I needed one right now... That's when the thoughts ran around my head. I'm nothing. I'm worthless. I have nobody, because I just cause everyone pain. Sometimes I wonder if everyone's life would be better if I was dead...