Letters to a Rockstar

Reply Four

Dear Izzy,
I understand you not wanting to say because you're right, it isn't your place to say. If it's something he's keeping secret there must be a reason for I, so if I remember, or am even still curious, next time I see him, I'll ask him myself. This way there will be no problems between the two of you, and I am sure that would be an interesting story to hear about anyhow. Though, I must say that I love how close you are to your brother, and how much you care about him. It's really endearing. I'm also really glad to hear you don't see me as “some ungrateful Hollywood twat.” I can't imagine what you would write me if you did. Especially with the letters you sent me when you thought I was how I'm not...Does that make sense? I'm a little off right now, tired and all that. Just finished a long day in the studio before we head out on our next tour. I really don't have much time to relax, so that's basically what these letters are to me right now. My time to unwind from the stress of the day. Good thing I love my job, I don't know if I'd be able to handle stress filled days otherwise.
Wait, so your parents don't approve of you at all? That just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, no disrespect toward Shea because he's honestly a cool kid, but it's not as if he's “normal,” so how is it that they can approve of him without approving of you? Are you sure there isn't more to the story that you're just not telling me? If it's something you just don't want to talk about, that's fine, we don't have to. I just need to know in order to fully drop the topic. It all just seems so strange to me. I can't understand why they wouldn't accept you. From what I can tell you're an awesome person, and before you even think it, yes, I do know that I don't really know you. From the sounds of your letters, I seem to be the next closest person to you (behind Shea of course). I'm not sure if this is me being too forward or not, but I really would like to meet you in person. I would love for you to come see me whenever it may be that I am close enough to you during tour for that to happen. OF course you can bring Shea along. I would love to get to talk with him again. I had a riot last time.
Your pets, Kaddy and Shache, sound like awesome pets, they really do. Maybe one day I'll get a chance to meet them as well (insert creepy winky-face here, aha), and maybe you'll get to meet Alphie as well. How do you pronounce their names? I feel like I'm reading them wrong. I see Kaddy as just another way to spell Katie. When it comes to Shache, however, I think more of, well, honestly...Sashay is what comes to mind every time I read it. I must be horribly wrong, though. So help?
I think it's cute how animal loving you are, and how close you are with your pets. The fact that they mean so much to you is just amazing. Too many people mistreat their own pets, and animals in general. It's so heartbreaking and disgusting, and here you are, not even willing to be too far from your pets at any time. It's cute, and a welcomed change, in my view. And it brings me back to the thought of how I just can't figure out why you think you're annoying me. Really, if I didn't want you talking to me, I wouldn't have replied. Instead I sit here begging for your letters. I think that makes me the annoying one, but it's all okay as long as you don't run off screaming. That would leave me heartbroken.
Okay, on a serious note, I really do enjoy talking to you. As I said earlier, writing these letters to you is my way of unwinding. If it weren't for you, I would be so stressed right now, but instead, for the first time in years, I have a healthy way to relieve my stress. Now, all you need to do is seriously consider coming to see my band play, and meeting up with me while I'm 'round your area. Please? I'll even send you the tickets and all that, so you wouldn't even have to pay! It would really make my...year? Yeah, we'll go with that (insert adorable, pouty, puppy-dog face here). Please?
With adoration,
♠ ♠ ♠
I honestly don't know if I even like this chapter. I feel like I am moving too fast. I am going to blame this on my good mood because of my awesome date last night with an amazing guys.
This is dedicated to my friend Ricky because he's having a tough time, and he's the reason I updated in the first place. Also to Shay for making me happy<3
Welp, let me know what you thought? Because I really think I should just go back and rewrite this whole chapter....