Letters to a Rockstar

Letter Nine

Dear Adam,
Why would I see you as an 'ungrateful Hollywood twat?' Well, I mean, I sort of did at one point, but it wasn't as strong a feeling as I have toward...other famous people. Also, those feelings toward you are along gone! You have proven me wrong with some of the theories I had about you...My sincerest apologies for being judgmental. It was wrong of me.
Um, I'm not entirely sure how to explain the parental situation to you. I suppose it is more on the complicated side, and unless you're an actual part of it to witness firsthand it isn't going to make much sense. The most basic way of saying it (that isn't even fully correct) is that I am the elder of two children. There are more glasses for me to fill than there are for Shea for the most simple fact that I was birthed first. It doesn't bother me, however, I am pleased with my life. I am happy, and this is what matters.
Everything else is just...background noise.
Thank you for seeing me in a positive light, it has brightened my day, but I cannot understand why you would want to meet in person? I fear greatly that you will be severely disappointed. There is nothing spectacular about me, nor anything that causes me to stand out in a crowd. For the majority of, well, anything, I blend in—fall within a sea of forgettable faces. I know, however, that Shea would adore to see your band again. For this fact alone, I will agree. For him. He deserves it.
At this rate you are going to have my face a permanent shade of red. It is embarrassing, fully and truly. Thank you, though. Kaddy and Shache mean more to me than I could ever speak. You are correct, however, in assuming you're speaking their names incorrectly. Kaddy is pronounced like Caddy—the nickname for a Cadillac. Shache, on the other hand, is pronounced, shake. They are truly that simple, but I can understand how you came up with what you had. Your ways sound more normal—as though they're the correct ways. Mine are...just, strange. I suppose that allows them to fit in with my own strangeness.
I assume I annoy you because I know me; I know how I am, and how I interact with society. It is a natural reaction. I am not, in any stretch of the imagination, a 'people-person,' and it is very difficult for me to get along well in groups. That is why I stick to blending in with the crowd. This way no-one comes up to me. I would rather not have to deal with conversing with someone; it never ends well. They either leave feeling upset or awkward. Rarely ever is there any other option. This is why it is strange for me to hear that I am your destresser. Well, not I, per se, but the act of reading and writing letters to me. It's a concept from a whole other world in my mind, but it does cause another shade of red to coat my cheeks and a tiny smile to make home upon my lips. I'm glad to be of help to you. I can only imagine how stressful your life actually is. I must ask, however, why would it leave you heartbroken if I stopped responding? Certainly you have other, more important, people around to help in ways I would never be able to. Am I missing something? I always figured if I disappeared you would barely notice, after awhile I would be forgotten by you all together...
I feel so confused.
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I'm glad you guys liked the last chapter. Now I'm not sure if I like this one. .-. I think I barely ever like what I write.