Letters to a Rockstar

Reply Five

Dear Izzy,
You have nothing to apologize for. I understand your reasoning behind your behavior back then, and I probably would have reacted in much the same way. There is no way you could have known that I wasn't who you are trained to believe I am. Society and the media do a great job at sculpting people into believing that all famous people are a certain way. It isn't true for everyone, though. Just try to keep that in mind.
So let me get this straight, it doesn't bother you that your parents expect way more from you than they do your younger brother? You just let it go and deal with it all as though it's nothing? How do you do it? Before this band actually started going anywhere I was practicing in a basement, playing shows at bars. I wasn't even old enough to drink at that point! My parents weren't happy with what I had chosen for my life, and they let it known. Every chance they got, they told me about how much of a disgrace I am to the family for not being who they wanted me to be. It wasn't until I got a record deal, and started making some real money that they started to approve. I let it all get to me back then, too. Almost ended up leaving the band because of it.
You're a really strong person, Izzy, and that amazes me.
It amazes me even more than you agreed to meet with me! I'm excited for it. Pete is working on finishing up the tour details, so as soon as I have more information I'll let you know. I look forward to it!
As for your pet's names...I was way off, but I like their names. They're cute, and animal friendly. Just like you are. I think it's cute that you're including in your letters that I made you blush. Awe! It just makes me wanna hug you! Too cute.
I think if you're still curious over what I meant when we meet, I'll explain it to you. It isn't something I find reasonable to discuss through a letter. It's really quite adorable how confused you are by it, however. It's so simple, and who knows, maybe you'll figure it out on your own. You're probably just over thinking it, but hey, we all do it. Remember, it's simple. Don't second guess it.
Now I want to know, who is your favorite band-slash-type of music? I know you said you're a fan of my band, but at the same time you don't come off as the type of person who is typically found listening to my music. You honestly strike me as more of a reader than anything else, so I figure you with something softer playing in the background.
This letter has taken me longer to write out than I imagined it would, and now I must be off to bed. If I stay awake too long I'll be cranky in the morning, and Pete won't be too pleased. Need to make sure the tour manager is happy.
Goodnight, Izzy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really need to find the time to get on my laptop to go through and edit every chapter. There are so many mistakes everywhere that I keep coming across. It's driving me insane.
Now where to find more time...