Letters to a Rockstar

Reply One

Dear Izzy,
I waited a month and a half to send this hoping to have received another letter from you, but I am sad to say I haven't gotten anything. I know you've said you don't want any replies from me, and after the letter I got from having someone else respond to you for me... Well, I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous about sending this. You're an interesting person, Izzy, and I'd love to get to know more about you. From the letters you have send me, I have concluded that you;'re too hard on yourself. It makes me wonder if that's the reason you;'re so hard on others as well. The only person you don't seem to be this way toward is your brother. Though, I could have this all wrong. I don't know you, so I'm just guessing.
Speaking—sort of—of your brother, I think I remember him. I remember meeting someone who fits the description of your brother, and he was a cool kid—someone I'm proud to say is a fan. I really admire you for the way you look and care for your brother as much as you do. He seems like a really great guy, and you seem like a great person as well.
I hope I don't offend you by sending this letter. I just really don't want you to disappear the way you seem to want to. It sounds stupid because I don't know you, but I always enjoy reading what you have to say. Everything seems so important in your letters no matter how small of a topic it is, and I like that. It's different. You're different, and just... Don't go. I'm being stupid, and admittedly sounding like a complete creep, but please don't disappear.
It's funny, you assume I don't read your letters, and you assume that if I were to, they'd offend me. I actually like that you're not afraid to be yourself. It's hard to find someone who isn't going to say whatever they think I want to hear just to stay on my good side. You voice your opinion in a way that says what you mean in a way that is just what I need to hear. It's new and refreshing to talk to someone real (not that we've ever talked, but you understand what I mean).
In one of your letters you bring up my past and my family. Well, I just wanted to say that maybe one day I'll tell you the full story without details missing. Just to clear it up, though, I never bought my career—nor did anyone else. I got into the music business through being discovered with my band. Mother and Father had nothing to do with it, although, I'm sure they wish they cared more about my music years ago. And just to let you know, my family isn't exactly how the media makes it out to be. For a number of reasons really. It's all so stupid when I really think about it, but this is my life—my family. This is how it has always been, and I'm not sure how I feel about that because this is how it'll, probably, always be.
Aha, now I'm sounding kind of like you. I guess that's what happens when you read a person's letters often. Paying attention to their mannerisms and whatnot, you adopt that sort of stuff yourself subconsciously. Ah well.
Take care, doll. I hope to hear from you soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it's not written so well. I'm tired and upset, so I wrote. This was the result.