Letters to a Rockstar

Letter Six

Dear Adam,
I'm confused. Why would you wait any amount of time for a letter from me? I am of no importance to you, therefore my letters should hold no importance to you. It all confuses me greatly. I suppose this shouldn't be of any surprise to me. Even without speaking to you I have realized you are full of surprises. My new question instead: why me? What is there about me that would even stand out from any other of the hundreds of letters send your way? Don't misunderstand me, I am thoroughly flattered. I never have seen myself as anything resembling important.
I also cannot understand how you would find any entertainment in my rambled letters. I am fairly certain, I hadn't put much thought into any of them, which is the main reason they are all so unorganized and rambled. Then again, I suppose, that is a big part of who I am. Maybe. I'm not too certain I know who I am, but I do know I am not organized, and I rambleā€”a lot.
It's weird. I always thought if you read my letters you would find me to be annoying, or rude, ignorant...something not so positive. Now to know you don't feel that way is strange. Almost as strange as having a rockstar write you a letter. Never would I ever have thought this would happen. Not to me, at least. Maybe to Shea, or someone (anyone) else, but never me. I'm too ordinary. Nothing exciting happens to me. I don't stand out in a crowd (out of my own choices). Truthfully, you'd never be able to pick me out of a crowd. I'm just background noise.
Wow, that's really sad of me to think, isn't it? Please tell me you aren't going to be cheesy, respond saying it isn't true. I cannot handle sappy things as such; they're bothersome. I choose to blend in so as to not stand out; it's how I want things, and it is how they are.
I cannot believe you don't find me bothersome.
I feel like I am.
Because I am.
Ugh, my head hurts. I'm going to lay down.