Letters to a Rockstar

Reply Two

Dear Izzy,
I'm happy you responded because I was really starting to believe you had just thrown my letter out without reading it. You are really full of surprises, you know that? Far more than you claim I am, and so far, none of these surprises seem to be a bad thing. Everything I have learned about you just makes you different from others, and I don't mean it in a bad way, either.
Why did you think I would find you annoying? As I have already said, you letters are entertaining, and I would really like to get to know you. You come off as real, not some faux person trying to impress me. I appreciate that more than you can realize. In my profession, I come across a plethora of people who pretend in hopes of gaining something from me. You're not pretending (or, at least, this is how it seems), and you are not looking to gain anything from me (except, maybe, a response).
I can see why you say it's strange that you're actually getting replies from me. Before the fame, when I would write letters to my favorite artists in hopes of gaining responses because of how much their works inspired me, saved me, and so forth, I never got a response. No matter how much I wrote, how much I wished, what I wrote about, none of it mattered. I never once got a reply. I can only imagine how my responses make you feel.
I meant it when I said I would like to get to know you. You've already begun to give me a bit of insight into who you are as a person, and I would like for that to continue. As long as you're okay with that, of course. In return, if it's what you'd like, I can give you insight into who I am. I don't mean what my manager lets known to the media, either. I mean the real me.
It's up to you, Izzy.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for Jake. He asked me about my update yesterday, so here you go.