Letters to a Rockstar

Letter Seven

Dear Adam,
I did think about just pushing it off, not responding, but I'm not sure I ever would have thrown it away. Regardless of how I feel toward you, you are famous, and to have received a handwritten letter from you is an achievement. I don't see how it would have been very smart for anyone to throw it away. Though, I must admit, I have never thrown a letter away, no matter who wrote it. They all hold too much sentimental value, and at one point or another, they have meant quite a lot to me.
I don't particularly understand how you don't find me to be annoying. Especially in my letters. The majority of the time they're unfocused, rambled, and uninteresting. I don't lead a life worth writing down, and yet I write bits about myself and my life in each letter. I do it even though I know my life is of no importance to you, but I must admit, I give the information away to you because keeping too much inside is unhealthy. As I have discussed earlier on, I have no-one I trust enough with any information about me. You're a strange, irregardless of whether or not I know of you.
If you're really interested in getting to know me, I will allow it. Of course, I would need to learn more of you in return. It is only fair, and you had already offered.
I'm really not sure what else to say at this point. I suppose this is where I bid you good day.