The Girl

The Girl

This storie begins as many stories do, with a girl.
This girls name is Margo. She is 16, she has black hair down to her back. She wears all black with bright converse shoes. Her right side of her bottom lip is peirced and she wwears a silver studd in the hole. She wears thick black eyeliner and her lips are always one of the following colors.
1 Dark blue
2 Dark red
3 Dark green
4 Dark yellow
5 Grey
6 Or black
Very rarely they are normal. She has a job in New York City where she lives with her drug addicted mother. she owns five hats. They are all top hats and they are the following colours.
1 Dark red
2 Pinestriped
3 Dark green
4 Dark blue
5 And black
her mother is a hooker but she brings her customers home.