The Girl

The Mall, The Love

On Saturday, around 2 Margo and Dakoda decided to go to the mall. Margo wore tight black 'skinnies' her My Chemical Romance converse shoes, a black dress shirt with a red tie, Red lipstick and black hat. Dakoda wore tight black 'skinnies' a tight Misfits t-shirt, red converse, eyeliner and a silver stud in his lip.

The two walked aound not looking at any stores in particular, just looking for black stuff.
"Lets get fries." Dakoda suggested.
"Okay." Margo agreed.
The two shared a medium sized poutine and sat next to each other at a bar stool counter.
"So can you get a transfer?" Margo asked
"Yea i start at your school on Monday."
"I start on Monday too."
Right then Margo and Dakoda looked at each other, a look so powerful netheir one wanted to look away.The Dakoda grabbed Margo's face and kissed her. He could feel her kiss him back. Margo though their peircings touching made a weird noise, but a good weird.The stopped for aminute and looked at each other. The same powerful look one has, when their in love.