There's Nothing Sad About It

They Meet

We met in art class.

It was Sophomore year, second semester. We’d just gotten back from Winter Break. I’d said goodbye to Florida and hello to Kansas.

I was actually really excited to take this art class. I’d always considered myself artistic, so I figured, hey, why not take Intro to Drawing?

We were all in the class for different reasons: Damian was there because I’d blackmailed him into taking it with me (let’s just say that something happened somewhere that someone wouldn’t want someone else to know about); Scott was there because he was a slacker and took as many electives as he could; Steven was there because his mom thought it would help him with his ‘anger management’ issues; and Sasha was there because, like me, she wanted to be.

The teacher, Mrs. Farris, let us choose our own seats that first day.

I bet Mrs. Farris regrets that decision.

After all, if we wouldn’t have sat with each other that first day, we might not have ever done any of the things I’m going to tell you about in this story.

Then again, the five of us were destined to find each other, so we would have found each other some other way.

So there we were, five teenagers--Damian was playing with my hair, Sasha couldn’t take her eyes off of Steven, Steven couldn’t take his eyes off of Sasha, and Scott looked bored as fuck--taking an art class together.
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This story will have short chapters. They should come rather quickly, though :)