There's Nothing Sad About It

Intelligence is Key

It didn’t take long for us to realize our common interests.

I know what you’re thinking, but you’re new at this so I’m not going to judge you for thinking it. But no, our common interests were not wanting to kill people and planning how to kill them.

In fact, killing didn’t even enter our minds until a few months later… but we’ll get to that.

First, you need to know two things:

One - we’re not stupid/dumb/etc. In fact, we’re quite the opposite. Sure, Scott’s a slacker and Damian could really care less about school, but all five of us were in the top 10% of our class, and I was valedictorian. Little known fact about psychopaths: we’re pretty intelligent.

I’m the brains of this whole operation. I plan every murder down to the second; I decide when we’ll arrive, what weapons we’ll use, exactly how much time we have to get away--everything goes down by my exact orders. Sasha, Damian, Scott, and Steven know not to change the plans--I haven’t failed them yet, so why should they suddenly stop trusting me?

Our intelligence is why we haven’t gotten caught.

Two - Of course the police are on to us.

Remember those perspectives I was talking about? This is another case where we can use them as examples. You see, the police have called in the FBI--which, because we’re psychopaths, fuels us even more--who have profiled us. Here’s where the perspectives come into play. You see, the FBI has the complete wrong perspective. They’re usually very good at what they do--ever seen Criminal Minds?--but with us, they really couldn’t be more off base. Here’s a list of Facts vs. Fictions:

Fiction: The FBI has profiled us as a single white male.
Fact: …They’re forgetting four of us.

Fiction: The FBI has profiled us as between the ages of 25 to 35.
Fact: We’re all 18.

Fiction: The FBI has profiled us as having killed between 5 to 10 people.
Fact: We’ve killed 17 people… and counting.

There’s really only two things they’ve gotten right: we’re (a) serial killer(s), and we’re not going to stop until they shoot us dead.