Status: Finished! Comments?

Write Me A Sin

With A Voice Of...

I decided then that I needed to appear.

Ben's parents, his family, even Ben himself knew me as his best friend since childhood, David. Because that's who I was.

On a random day when Ben was five, I appeared to him as a little boy of the same age. It wasn't that he needed friends. He had always been popular. It was just easier to look after him that way.

Think about your best friend. How many times has he or she talked you out of doing something bad? Talked you into doing something good? Changed your entire outlook?

Nine times out of ten? Your best friend is your conscience. You get along so well because you are the same person. You fight because that is the easiest way to confront your inner contradictions.

I'll save you the details of how all this works. It's long, confusing and has absolutely nothing to do with the story at hand.

All I'm saying is, the next time your best friend tells you to do something...


So, while the pair were still unable to see me, I made my way to the large doors at the back of the church.

I reentered, appearing as Benjamin's best friend. Or as these two knew me, the best man.

I slammed the doors noisily behind me, striding down the aisle. I began to yell at the startled duo.

"What if Ben had heard that!?" I demanded, now standing right in front of them. "Do you know how to be quiet? Do you know how to keep things in private?"

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?"

"Well, I'm sure he already knows," the woman said, trying to keep her voice level.

"No. He doesn't. But I'm sure he will now that you've opened your mouth, spreading rumors!" I stared her down, trying to control myself.

Because when a person's conscience loses control, the person can't help but lose his mind.

"It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality,"

She responded in this way with the quiet voice of a chastized child, and I stalked off.
And when I entered Ben's dressing room, it became increasingly clear.

Ben had found out. And while I was away and unable to control his actions, he'd turned the room upside down.

Items were strewn across the room. A glass vase had been thrown at the mirror. And Ben sat in a corner, drink in hand, tears flowing.

I sat down next to him, not saying a word.

"She cheated on me, man," he whispered, his tears ceasing for only a second.

"I heard," I responded quietly. "I heard."

He rested his head in his hands, sighing deeply.

"I just can't believe it." He began to cry again.

I began to pace, knowing I had to make a choice. I could either be the angel or the devil on his shoulder right then. The way this played out rested entirely on my shoulders.

After a while, I stopped in place. I'd made my decision.

That bitch was going to pay.

I turned to him and put my arm around his shoulder. "Look, man, this is what we're gonna do."

It's much better to face these kinds of things with a voice of...
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