Status: Just started! Encourage me :)

Just To Disappear


I sat in my suite sulking at the television. I was in the goddamn Caribbean and I was in my room ugh. I wanted to go outside and soak up some rays but not yet. Nope. I had to get my ass to a conference meeting to at least meet some people that were running the firm. Polite business and then I'd get to lounge poolside or shore-side. Any one of them would be fine with me.

My pager beeped and I left my room heading to the business lounge first floor of the hotel.
"Good afternoon gentlemen," I said in greeting as I entered the room. Gone was the moody teenager- this was all business. I was in soft grey business suit and rolled my ice blonde hair in a bun; I settled on the nude make up look.

They all stood up. I motioned for them to sit down and we started our discussion. This part bored me to death but I tried to look like I cared. After the half hour meeting when I was going to make my escape, Mr. Morris called me over. I tried not to sigh.

"Miss Coleridge?" he called.
"Yes Mr. Morris?"
"Please call me Phillip," he smiled. He was a rather large man with a receding hairline, nicer than most of the men here. I liked him.
"Well in that case then call me Max," I gave him a genuine smile; the rare one that hardly anyone saw.

"Alright Max," he chuckled, "Since you'll be staying here for a couple weeks I'd like to have you visit some of the resorts that we've opened?"
"Of course."
"Good," he nodded, "How bout I get my son to be your tour guide?"
"Excuse me?"
"He says he has some making up to do," said Phillip sort of puzzled himself. What was he talking about.
"Hello Maxine," said a voice. Oh god.

"Ethan?" I turned to look at him. He was in a business suit that flattered him; okay so I had to admit he was really cute especially when he was smiling.
"Yes and before you say no," he started quickly, "You have no choice, I'm going to make up for nearing brain damaging you, okay?"
"I can't," I said lamely.
"Yes you can," he chirped, "I won't leave you alone unless you let me make up for it."
I snorted. I couldn't help it! I started laughing loud too, I quickly excused myself and left the room with Ethan on my tail.

"Awe come on please?" he begged.
"No," I tried not to smile.
"You want to," he said with a grin that lit up his face.
"Why not?" he cut me off and stood in front of me.
"Because I'm not a nice person?" I said the first thing that popped into my head, "I don't care about people enough to want to make friends."

"You can't be serious?" he blanched.
"I am."
"Wow," he scratched his head, "Isn't that lonely?"

His question caught me off guard. I blushed.

"So? Its never mattered to me before," I said haughtily.
"I think this is just a mask," he mused as I started walking, "You are very nice but something caused you to form this turtle shell around yourself, you don't want to be hurt?" he ended it like a question.

I was vaguely aware that I'd stopped and was facing him.

"Well?" he asked.
"Something like that," I confirmed.
"Then will you let me be your friend?" he asked quietly, "I promise I won't hurt you."
"Ha," I said coldly, "The last friend I had said the same thing. Guess what? He hurt me worse that anyone ever could."

I refused to cry. I turned and stepped into the elevator. I made it all the way to my room before I finally broke down. People never saw the hurt, they always just assumed I was a bitch but Ethan saw through that. Just like Tyler did. I sobbed and choked as I slid to the floor.

NO no no. Maxine Elizabeth Coleridge you will not think about Tyler. You came here to get away, to disappear.

I stood up and made my way to mirror and picked up the little blue box that I'd brought on impulse. Temporary black hair dye. I fled into the bathroom with that and a pair of scissors and began my transformation.
♠ ♠ ♠
See Max isn't all bad, she has her reasons :)