Status: Just started! Encourage me :)

Just To Disappear

First Impressions

"Wow," I whispered. My hair was cut to the shoulders and seeing it such a flat black sort of hurt my heart but I wanted change and so I just had to deal with it. I inhaled and blew out the bangs that I cut haphazardly over my forehead.

I was still stunning but in a dark way, a wicked smile sprung from my lips. I flung open my suitcase in search of something to wear. I found a black yoga top and skinny black jeans. I frowned; I only had high heeled shoes. No wait! I had brought a pair of ballet flats on impulse. They were satin and had little black bows on them.

With my original light blonde hair and pale complexion I tried to wear summer colors and more pink and pastels but seeing as my hair was now in a shaggy cut and plain black (at least until the dye washed off) I could pull of wearing all black. I wish I had green contacts though.

I was heading to the mini-fridge when there was a knock on my door. I was not surprised to see Ethan there. The smile that was on his face faded into a frown as he looked at me up and down. I took his momentary distraction as a chance to check him out: brown knee length jeans cut that way, slippers, old Nirvana t-shirt, messy hair. He dresses...normal?

I wore designer everything, I threw money around like it was play-dough; of course I donated money to charities and missionaries and whatnot but I had so much I ran out of things to do with it.

"Uh hi," he finally said.
"What do you want now Ethan?"
"You look wow, um," he stammered out.
I rolled my eyes.
"My dad uh, wants me to um, show you around the Gaea Resort," he muttered finally.
"Okay," I said trying to hide my smile. He was blushing and I figured I might as well go because I would have been sulking around my room all day anyway. There were clouds covering the beautiful sun and rain kept falling in and out at times ruining my tanning chances.

"Really?" he asked shocked.
"Yup," I darted in to grab my non-girly yet cute purple hand bag and keys. I locked up and turned to find him still staring at me.
"What?" I asked and checked to make sure my pants were on.
"Why'd you dye your hair?" he asked puzzled.
"Because I wanted to," I said haughtily.
"Uh-huh," he said unconvinced as he began to walk down the hall to the elevators, I followed quietly behind him.

Only when we were outside in the (slightly wet) front of the hotel did I finally ask, "Where's your car?"
He grinned at me, "No car. Bike." He pointed to the Harley at the corner.
"Oh dear god no," I backed away slowly.
"What? The great Max afraid of a bike?" he taunted me.
"No you jackass I'm afraid of crashing into things and being squished!" I squealed.

He laughed - like literally let out a howling laugh as if this was all funny. I stared at him hard. Must resist the urge to punch my colleague's son. Must resist!

"Aw come on Max," he came up to me slowly as if I were a frightened animal, "I've been riding this since I was 13, I've never gotten in an accident."
I glared at him.
He threw his hands up frustrated, "Maxine, please? Next time I have to drive you around I'll bring my Porsche but for now we use this." He gestured to the bike.

Maxine wouldn't do this but Max would, I thought.

I walked over to it and grimaced as he handed me a really heavy helmet.
"Is it necessary?" I asked, "Since you've never gotten in an accident?"
"You're a motorcycle virgin so you need protection," he flashed a crooked smile.
"Ha-ha," I said dryly and placed it on my head.

He climbed up and offered me a hand which I took silently. I sat down behind him.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, please god don't let me die!

He started the bike and I felt it rumble beneath me as it came to life. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on for dear life as he dragged off from the corner.