Status: Just started! Encourage me :)

Just To Disappear


"Keep your eyes closed!" he laughed as we stumbled along the beach. He'd made me cover my eyes and we'd been walking for about 10 minutes. I had taken off my shoes once I saw where we were headed, one of my hand was in his and the other held my bag which contained my ballet flats.
"It is closed!" I giggled. The mystery of it all plus the buzz of the scotch was making me enjoy our little trip more than I should.
"Alright here we are," he announced and I opened my eyes. We were on a rock out in the middle of the sea, we had walked on a make-shift pier that was made entirely out of rocks but the most beautiful part was the sunset.

"Wow," I murmured. It was like an artist's most favorite piece, perfectly pink, orange and red circled the clouds and the sun itself was a blazing red sinking beneath the horizon.
"Like it?" he turned to me. I was aware that he was still holding my hand.
"Its beautiful," I said softly turning to meet his eyes.

And just like that I fell for him. All thoughts of Tyler were wiped clean from my mind. All that was there was Ethan. He was the one trying to make my stay here perfect, he was the one trying to catch a glimpse of the girl behind the bitch exterior no matter how much I pushed him away. He was the only one who tried to befriend me after getting the queen bitch royal treatment.

His green eyes were warm and friendly, his smile lingering on his perfect lips. I had never seen anyone this beautiful.

"I grew up here," he turned back to the sunset. I reluctantly turned to it as well but kept glancing at him out of the corner of my eye. I wouldn't pursue him, I'd probably just hurt him anyway. He released my hand.

"My mother wanted to stay here while my father traveled," he continued, "I didn't mind, I never liked city life. All I did here was surf, swim and hang out on the beach. Of course I worked and went to school like normal..." he trailed off. Suddenly the tension became awkward.

"I can't surf," I said casually. Business Maxine had taken the wheel.
"I can teach you," he responded.
"I can't swim so that'd be a no-n0," I said quickly.
"Yeah," I snuck a glance at him. He was gazing at the water below.

I looked at my watch 6:08 pm.

"I gotta get back to the hotel," I said.
"Business at this hour?" he asked curiously.
"Nah I'm moving into one of the Villas Thomas owned," I said. Thomas was my step-father.
"Oh? That's great," he finally looked at me.

His green eyes were sad yet confused. I grew confused staring at him so I babbled.

"Yeah," I shrugged, "I have a couple friends around that area that I haven't seen since I was 16 so I figure I'd have company for the rest of the month."
"Cool," he said slightly awkward, "Let's go then."

We sauntered over the rocks and the sand silently; I was still trying to figure out what went wrong when someone stepped in front of me.

"Excuse me!" I shouted.
"Maxi!" said a familiar voice. I looked up into the guy's face.
"Ricky!" I squealed and practically jumped on him. He caught me and hugged me hard.
"Ohmygod I haven't seen you in forever!" I exclaimed.

Ethan stared at us.

"Oh sorry Ethan this is Ricardo one of my friends from the Villas," I said as he set me down. They shook hands.
"Where are you headed?" Rick asked.
"Over to my hotel to move my stuff over to the Villa," I said.

Rick was gorgeous, he was 25, an artist, flawless and had exceptionally chiseled features. He had dark hair and grey eyes. People always said we'd make a cute couple and sure we'd flirted a lot and even made out a couple times but we were never official.

"I can take it from here," Rick said to Ethan. He just nodded and started to back away.
"Um catch ya later Max," he said before he disappeared around the corner.

And for some strange reason my heart squeezed a little at seeing his forlorn expression.

"Bye," I whispered even though I already knew he was gone.