Status: Just started! Encourage me :)

Just To Disappear


"Am I?" I asked remembering the giggling girl on the other end of the line.
"Of course," he smiled. The thunder rolled from somewhere nearby making me jump.
"Isn't this summer time?" I frowned again, "Why is there a storm?"
He chuckled, "The Caribbean is a wonderful place but we only have two seasons- wet season and dry season. Unfortunately the middle of the wet season happens to be the beginning of summer. But don't worry the sun always shines here after a full day of rain."

"Well we might as well make the best of it," I got up and glanced at the clock on the wall, "Are you sure you don't have anywhere to be? Its after 11."
"Nah I'm fine right here," he stood up as well.
"No girlfriend to get home to?" I prodded.
"Nope," he said and looked deep into my eyes. I felt faint.

"Uh-huh," I said unbelieving and began to walk back to the living room.
"What?" he frowned following me.
"Well you're super gorgeous, you have a sexy I-don't-care look," I shrugged and sat on the couch, "And you are a wonderfully nice guy. You can't be single."
"You're beautiful when you relax," he said suddenly, "You're much more beautiful without make up on."
"Thanks?" I made it sound like a question; he caught me off-guard.

"I'm single because I can't find the right girl you know?" he said and dropped down beside me, "I've dated a few girls and quite recently an ex of mine said she wants me back but I'm not going for it. Yeah I'm a nice guy and I tend to get walked all over just because of that fact. You're the first girl I've met that blatantly refused my help, of course that's probably because I almost ran you over with my skateboard the first time we met but then I tried harder and you seemed so closed up. Its like you want people to see a cold hard exterior," he mused. I just sat there staring at him.

He moved closer to me, I couldn't breathe.

"That guy who hurt you," he whispered, his nose brushing mine, "Is an ass. You are a wonderful person and its understandable that you have shielded yourself from people."

He kissed my forehead.

"I want to be the guy that you finally open up to."

He kissed my nose.

"I won't break your heart, I promise. Will you let me?"
"Yes," I barely whispered because his lips were about an inch from mine and his eyes were focused on my eyes.

"That's wonderful," he smiled and gave me a chance to back away but when I didn't he leaned in and kissed me softly.