Status: Just started! Encourage me :)

Just To Disappear

We All Have Secrets

I awoke in a tangle of legs and sheets, the night was a blur of delicious madness. I glanced up to see that my head was resting on Ethan's chest and he was still asleep. I crawled out of the bed and put on his shirt as I made my way downstairs to get some coffee. I don't function well without it.

I smiled as I remembered how he'd kissed me and carried me up to my room last night. As I stirred in some sugar he appeared at the door with ruffled hair and a sleepy smile.

"I woke up and you weren't there," he blushed as he came to give me a morning kiss.
"I like my coffee in the morning," I teased.
His phone rang at that precise minute.
"Heidi? Can I call you back?" he said after checking the caller I.D.
I raised an eyebrow as he hung up without waiting for an answer.

"She's a friend," he hastily responded.
I nodded slowly, "And what am I?"
He grinned wickedly, "My new girlfriend."
"Oh really?"
"I don't do long distance relationships," I said quietly.
"Compromise," he frowned, "You stay here with me or I go with you."
"You'd leave for me?" I glanced up shocked.
"Sure," he shrugged.

"I have attachment issues," I said quickly.
"Are you trying to push me away?"
"No I just want you to know what you're dealing with."
"I'm not going to runaway Max," he said softly.
"Don't make promises you can't keep," I said slightly bitter, I raised a hand before he could speak, "How bout you go see Heidi and I'll head over to the conference I had planned. It'll give you some time to think."

He gave me a sad look but nodded, "I'll meet you back here by three?"
"Okay," I said with faked perkiness.

I needed to think.
Do I want to stay here? Or do I want to go back? Back to where Tyler is with Annabelle? I gagged at the thought.

But what do I really know about Ethan? I mused about that while I sipped my coffee. A couple minutes later he came back downstairs and kissed me goodbye.

I pulled on shorts from the basket downstairs, stripped off the shirt and grabbed a hoodie. It felt slightly awkward not wearing a bra but I didn't have time. I grabbed my keys and bag at the door and quietly followed Ethan to see who was this mysterious Heidi.
♠ ♠ ♠
Was in the hospital, sorry for not updating sooner c: