The Ride


She bit her lip, a hand reaching up to run through her thick auburn hair, her bright green eyes squinting with nerves as she looked at the tall boy that stood in front of her.

“I’m not sure about this” she mumbled, closing her eyes tightly as she leant her head into her hands. The boy just scoffed, lifting his hand to lay on her shoulder causing her to look into his eyes.

“Don’t be silly! Everything will be fine” he told her trying to ease her nerves but realising he failed as the worry continued to dance across her face.

“Will it hurt?” She asked, a small whimper escaping her throat which caused him to chuckle slightly.

“No it won’t hurt” he replied, as her gaze averted to the floor again, causing him to roll his eyes at her actions as he took a step closer, his arms wrapping her into a hug, “Come on give it a go, one shot and then if you don’t like it we can stop, okay?” he asked, his hand tracing across her chin gently tilting it so she was now looking into his eyes.

“Okay” she mumbled as he beamed at her, lazily placing a kiss onto her temple before stepping away, grabbing her hand and dragging her through the parking lot.

Beth continued to gnaw at her lip as Kyle led her to the thing. The peppermint green painted body of the bike gleamed at her in a threatening manner, almost taunting her as Kyle pushed her closer to it.

“Come on Beth, remember you said you’d give it a go” he continued to urge, letting a smile slip onto his face as she slowly stepped closer to the bike, laying her hand on the handle bars before carefully slinging a leg over the frame so she was now sat on the bike. Her hands felt foreign on the handles, only half listening as Kyle began to point things out such as how to change gears and other pointless thing.

Beth didn’t think that bike’s were this fancy or confusing, all she thought she had to do would be to sit on the uncomfortable seat and peddle as fast as she could to make sure that she stayed horizontal instead of sprawled on the side walk.

“...did you get that?” Kyle asked, his soft voice cutting through her thoughts as she looked at him taking everything in. His white blonde hair that he didn’t bother to straighten this morning instead stuffing a hat onto it, the plain white ‘I ♥ boobies’ shirt thrown on that had probably been laid on his bedroom floor for the past three months while he had been away on tour.

A couple of handmade bracelets dotted his wrist which he had acquired from Beth over the year and finally his soft brown eyes gently looking into hers trying to make sure that she was okay with everything that was happening.

“Yeah” she said trying to sound confident but instantly failing as the word stumbled out of her mouth.

“I’ll be right behind you” he added as she nodded, grinding her teeth together as she firmly help onto the handle bars while lifting her left foot and placing it on the peddle getting it in place before quickly doing the same with the right one.

She tried to peddle quickly in order to stay at 180° she managed to get a couple of yards before her foot slipped, her body slamming hard into the concrete as Kyle jogged up and squatted next to her, as she slowly sat up her left hand clutched to her chest.

“You okay Doll?” He asked as he pushed her back to looking into her eyes to see the vivid green beginning to water.

“Kyle you said it wouldn’t hurt” she whimpered, her vision clouded as the water began to see from her eyes, rushing down her face as she tried to hold her whimpers back.

“I’m sorry Beth, I didn’t think it would. Is it broken?” He asked cautiously trying to help her to feet but accidentally tugging on her arm causing her to cry out slightly as the apologies began to explode from his lips.

She shruggled weakly, as she bent over slightly her face contorting every time a jolt of pain ran through her body.

“C’mon Beth, I need to get you home” Kyle began, his voice up an octave from worry as he began to pace unsure of what to do now. He promised her she wouldn’t get hurt, a scratched knee at the most was what he thought, but not this. He couldn’t believe he let her best friend down. He couldn’t believe he let her down.

“How are we going to do that Kyle, it’s too far to walk!” She mumbled looking up slightly so her eyes locked into his but scrunched them shut as her jacket brushed against her arm, the pain pulsating.

Kyle bit his lip, idea’s running through his head, he knew this was a bad idea, he didn’t know why he wanted her to ride a bike so much anyway.

“Climb on” he suddenly said, causing Beth’s eyebrows to furrow.


“Climb on” Kyle repeated cutting her off as he strode over to the bike picking it up, before lifting his hand out to her. Beth took it, placing her good arm in his as he pulled her over, gently lifting her so she was now sat on the handle bars.

“Are you sure this will work?” she questioned, worry laced in her voice as Kyle just scoffed.

“I used to do this with Austin and Mark, let’s just say that you are lighter and pretty to look at” he replied beginning to peddle slowly, allowing Beth to get used to the pace, gently holding onto the metal with her right hand as her left still laid cradle across her chest.

“You used to do this with Austin?” she giggled as he just pouted before realising that she couldn’t see his face and then choosing to lightly prod her back before carefully picking up the pace.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count : 1,044