Status: Your opinions are always valued by me. Thanks for choosing to get an insight of my beautiful disaster

The Past's Tale


Who am I?
No one... Thats exactly who I am.
I'm no special girl thats gonna change the world, or set a town on fire. I'm pretty typical actually. A little more boy-ish than a normal girl, but typical nonetheless

I dream about my life being a movie where I meet the perfect guy and we become high school sweethearts. We get married young, live in the country with the perfect house and kids running around, and we live until we are old and wrinkly. I dream about being famous, singing my heart out, having a ton of money and owning what I want. Donating money to charity, making a difference in someone's life, being a true idol for little kids. But I refuse to believe in fairy tales. I know life doesn't end at "Happily Ever After" but does reality truly set in at that point.

I fall for guys hard and easy on the inside, but never will I let them know that. I give guys a hard time, never believing in a single word they say. Befriending people is easy because I'm laid back and chill. I don't obsess over drama like a normal girl. I actually hate it, and when it's presented to me, I laugh at it. I love hugs, and hate getting dolled up... sometimes. I hate going out without my eyeliner, but would rather wear a tshirt jeans and converse than dresses and those god forsaken high heels. The higher they are, the harder it is for me to walk. I love getting my hands dirty, and I don't bug over breaking a nail... simply because I bite them.

I am big on education but I know how to let my hair down. Sometimes, I let it down too much and I get in trouble. I'm sketchy about marriage, but I really want to wear the dress. I love kids and the idea of being pregnant, but I dont want to give birth. When it comes to relationships, I take on the guy role, and that might be why I never get passed "talking". I hate doing that, but sometimes I have to. I'm not the jealous type.. on the outside. I am unbelievably flirty which also gets me into trouble. I'm the kind of person that doesn't care if you flirt with everyone under the sun, as long as I know you are mine at the end of the day. I love hearing romance stories, and would love to be taken on simplistic romantic dates, but never find a guy to do it with. I seem to be cursed with being "friend-zoned" and I've noticed I'm only wanted when I'm talking to someone, but when i'm single, I'm not wanted.

I have a mouth on me, and sarcasm is my second language. I can be a bitch at times, but only because Im blunt. I try to be the best person I can be, and I am a major people pleaser. Others happiness is always placed in front of mine, because that makes me happy. And even though I'm sarcastic, I hurt easily. But I will never show people that. Crying in front of others is strength unless its me crying, it then becomes weakness. I'm ridiculously good at smiling, although Im dying on the inside. I cry myself to sleep when no one is awake and never will I tell people that...

Poetry music and art are my life, but softball will always be my first love. I battle with my past which takes a toll on me.... I don't know who I am completely, or who I'll be, therefore I am no one. No one that will change your life, just someone on this planet, trying to figure out what is what and who is who, all the while trying to make the most of everything, praying it'll all be worth it in the end...

Typical right?
Thats up for debate, and for you to decide... Here's my story about life, with every nook and craney being examined.