Status: Decided that I'm going to expand on this !!

The Little Mer-Mafia

Everything's Better Down Where It's Wetter

Ariel watched as Ursula’s body drifted downwards into the watery abyss. She bowed her head, her mouth grim and her shoulders heavy. She knew what her death meant and although the responsibility was bearing down on her, she knew she would make Ursula

As her overly large family headed back to Ursula’s underwater mansion, Sebastian, Ursula’s partner, pulled her aside.

“Come Ariel, your initiation begins.” He said solemnly, his crimson claws clenched. With that he swam away, heading towards Ursula’s hideaway. She followed him, her jade tail swishing behind her.

Soon they reached the secretive cave which was hidden away between clusters of grey rocks. Silently they swam through the almost invisible gap leading to the Mer-Mafia’s lair. Ariel kept her eyes on the path ahead, her face blank. Angler fish lit the caves slimy walls, filling it with a flickering yellow light. Up ahead she saw the opening to a room, a room which held her entire future.

Before long, Ariel was sitting in Ursula’s old chair facing her entire mob. Flounder watched her intently, a toothpick hanging loosely from his mouth. Flotsam and Jetsam were coiled threateningly in the corner, their teeth glinting. Sebastian sat across from her, his inward lean intimidating. He folded his claws on the table, thick brass knuckles covering them.

“As you know,” he began, his voice low, “Ursula named you as her heir. You were the only fellow female she trusted enough to allow control over her assets. She has entrusted you with her entire underwater crime ring. Your father, Antonio, was her most trustworthy drug dealer and she saw you, his daughter, as a perfect apprentice.”

Ariel said nothing, keeping her eyes locked with Sebastian’s.

“So,” he continued, “you’re the new boss. The head of the Mer-Mafia.”

She nodded once and in that one nod she accepted a life of murder, drugs and fraud.

“Now for your brand. The brand.” Said Sebastian, a sly grin pulling at the corners of his mouth.

The mob led Ariel to a room adjacent of the one they were just in and sat her down in a large chair. Just then a large shadow fell over her as Pauly the squid swam out, tattoo needle in tentacle. He gruffly ordered Ariel to lean forward. She complied immediately, exposing her smooth pale back. Pauly bent over her and his multiple arms set to work.

After over two hours of non-stop tattooing, Pauly straightened up and admired his handy work. Ariel’s entire back was covered in black ink. Two sword fish were crossed over each other, bullet casings draped over their pointed noses.

Ariel sat up, her face unchanged. The mob looked at her admirably and they could see why Ursula had chosen her as next in line.

“Scuttle will be waiting for you tomorrow to give you your weapons. Meet him above the surface at dawn.” Sebastian instructed her.

She nodded and got up out of the chair.

“Welcome to the Mer-Mafia,” said Sebastian with a crafty grin. “We were here before the humans, and we’ll be here long after.”

“Everything’s better under the sea.” purred Ariel, a devious smile spreading across her lips.

* * *

One year later

* * *

“I fold,” grumbled Flounder, setting down his cards.

“Full house. Read it and weep.” Smirked Ariel, laying her cards flat on the table.

The eyes around the table grew disappointed and moans filled the room. Ariel laughed as she raked in her winnings with her long ruby nails.

A lot had changed over the past year. Ariel had settled into the role of mob boss fairly quickly. Already her arms were covered in intricate tattoos, a toothpick hung from the corner on her full scarlet lips and rosary beads dangled loosely around her neck. She had little strokes tattooed up her arm counting every kill she had made or had ordered. Gold, jewelled rings cased her long slender fingers and her vibrant red hair flowed around her head in fiery halo.

“Hey Boss,” Sebastian said, addressing Ariel. “You know how you were saying you wanted to expand our territory?”

“Mmm,” answered Ariel, letting poker chips fall through her fingers.

“Well I was thinking; why not take our business to dry land...”

Ariel looked up, her eyebrows raised.

“I mean, it’s about time the human’s had a taste of what the ocean has to offer.”

Her emerald green eyes locked with his. Slowly a cunning smirk crept across her lips and her eyes flashed.

“I love the way your twisted little mind works. Now how do you suggest we make our mark?” she questioned, folding her hands in front of her, winning a poker game now insignificant.

“Now then, you know they have their mob leader, Stephano and his son Eric. Well Scuttle informed me that he witnessed Eric attending his father’s funeral, which means he is now dry land’s new mob boss. I say we take him out, put a real sense of fear into them. Make them feel like no one is safe.” Sebastian told her, his claw clicking in excitement.

“Good, I like that. It would definitely show them that we’re a threat.” Ariel smiled slyly. “Now who should whack this Eric?”

“I was thinking you Boss. It’s only fitting that you, the underwater mob boss, should take out the dry land mob boss.” Suggested Sebastian.

“Hmm, yes.” She agreed, leaning back in her chair, drumming her fingertips on her chin.

“But Boss, how’re you going to go to dry land? You can’t breathe above water...” enquired Flotsam and Jetsam.

“Don’t worry,” grinned Ariel, “I have connections.”

* * *

“Papa!” Ariel called, swimming through the entrance to her father’s drug lab. “Papa, I need your help!”

“I’m in here!” he replied.

She swam towards his voice and found him in the back room mixing various chemicals together in a large glass beaker.

“What’s up, Boss?” he asked, not looking up from his ‘chemistry’.

Ariel cringed; she found it strange that her own father called her ‘Boss’. “I was just wondering if you had some kind of mixture that could help be breathe above water.”
He looked up then, his chubby face crinkled in confusion. “Why, Boss?”

“I’m the one asking the question here, Papa.” She growled, her eyes glinting.

“Sorry, Boss. I think I do have one thing.” He turned to the huge teetering shelf behind him and began rifling through the contents which sat on its shelves. Soon he pulled down a bulky glass vile filled with a suspicious looking plant.

“What is it?” she questioned, furrowing her eyebrows and peering into the vile.

“It’s a special drug I discovered. It will change you into a human for twenty-four hours.” Her father replied.

“This will work great, thanks Papa.”

“No worries, Boss. Only take an ounce, that will be sufficient.” He told her.

She leant forward and took his face between her hands and kissed each cheek warmly. Pulling away, she took the vile from his hands and left the lab.

* * *

That night Ariel swam to the surface and met Scuttle at a rock pool near the shore. She undid the top on the glass vile, took about an ounce of the plant and popped it in her mouth. Her head was suddenly spinning and she felt her whole body go weak. She squeezed her eyes shut and when she reopened them she was lying on the beach.

She let out a groan as she sat up and placed her hand on her forehead. Peering down at her body, she raised her eyebrows.

Instead of a sparkling scaly tail, two long slender legs were connected to her hips. Swiftly she
ran her fingers through her hair and stood up, finding her balance easily.

Scuttle swore under his breath. “Wow, Boss! That drug really did the trick. But you may need some clothes...”

Ariel looked down at her naked body. Her new legs looked really bare compared to her inked up top half. “Scuttle, see if you can find something I can cover myself with.” She barked and the seagull flew off immediately, dropping his lit cigarette in the process.
Ariel picked it up and stuck it in her mouth, inhaling deeply. The rich smoke filled her lungs and her full lips smiled around the cigarette.

Just then Scuttle appeared grasping a torn sail in his beak.

“This is all I could find, Boss.” He puffed, dropping it at her feet.

Quickly she picked it up and wrapped it around her body. Suddenly she heard barking and calmly turned toward the sound.

A large Rottweiler was bounding up the beach heading straight for her. Gently she crouched and held out her arms to the dog. It came to a grinding halt right in front of her face, long strands of saliva hanging from its jowls. Growling, it displayed its teeth to Ariel and with striking speed she reached out and grabbed the dog’s snout with her hand. She pulled the dog’s face close to hers and looked it in the eye.

“Watch yourself puppy.” She snarled.

The dog whimpered and she roughly pushed its head away.

“Killer!” she heard a voice call, “where are you, stupid dog?”

A young man around his mid-twenties came running along the beach. His black hair flopped against his forehead and his olive skin seemed to glow in the moonlight.

“Is it every day you take your dog out for a late night stroll?” Ariel called, making her voice like silk.

The man looked at her, his eyes running along her body.

“No, but I’m glad I did tonight.” He said, suavely.

“Ariel.” She introduced herself, extending her hand.

“I’m Eric,” he replied, taking it and kissing it lightly. “Would you like to accompany to my

She pressed her body against his and lightly trailed her lips across his ear.

“I’m dying to.”
♠ ♠ ♠

I love all of my readers and I hope you are all keen to see where Ariel the Mob Boss winds up ^_^