Trust the Instinct

Wake Me Up When September Ends

"I don't know Scott" I looked warily at my cousin after glancing at the school.

"Delia" He pleaded "You promised my mom that you would at least try, and right now it looks like you have already made up your mind"

I narrowed my blue eyes at him "Why should I even give it a chance? I was fine in California, I don't understand why the courts made me come here" I bit my bottom lip and looked away from my cousin, ashamed of the tears that were in my eyes. 

Before I knew it I was in Scott's arms, sobbing lightly. "I don't know anyone here Scott, they're going to think I'm weird and I'm just going to be miserable" I said weakly while sniffling.

"Alright, take it easy" he said soothingly, pushing a few strands of my hair back. "I didn't even think about how hard this would be for you. But you're going to make tons of friends" He pulled back and smiled at me, wiping a few tears away. "Plus you already know me, and I know Allison will love you and then there is Stiles too"

I grimaced "I never really cared for Stiles" My eyes were completely dry now and I focused them on the sarcastic smirk playing on my cousins lips.

"Really? Because I distinctly remember the two of you being on really good terms the last time you were here" I punched him in the arm as hard as I could and walked away. He walked after me chuckling a bit.

"We were twelve Scott, and you forced me into that dare. Now please just forget about it I told you that I wasn't fond of him and I don't even want to see him." I heard him sigh and felt the weight of arm on my shoulders. "Alright, but only because I love you and you're my favorite cousin"

"I'm you're only cousin Scott" I said rather imploringly, he only gave me a lazy smile and led me up the dull grey stairs. He stopped once we got right outside the doors and put his hands on my shoulders. 

"You're going to be awesome, everyone is going to like you and no one knows about your past. Just be your normal self and you're going to be fine. Okay?" I smiled at him and nodded a bit. "You're right, I'll be fine, sorry for the hard time" 

He waved off my apology and have me a quick peck on the cheek. "Office is that way, go get 'em" and with those wonderful words of inspiration he pushed me through the heavy doors and into my first day at Beacon Hills High School.


"Ms. Dmitriev, please take a seat next to Ms. Argent" I took a deep breath and nodded, sliding onto the stool next to the curly haired brunette. As I reached into my bag for a pen I felt a piece of paper hit my head. I turned around warily, afraid that this was the beginning of a bad day but I relaxed once I saw it was Scott.

I waved and smiled at him before getting back up into a proper position. "I see you already know Scott" the girl next to me said. I glanced at her and smirked at the underlying jealous tone in her voice.

"He's my cousin" I explained graciously, smiling once I saw her relax. "I guess that means you're Allison then?" I chuckled at the blush traveling across her pale cheeks.

"It's that obvious then? Well then that makes you Cordelia. I just moved here a few months ago, so if you are having any trouble just let me know."

"Thanks, and call me Delia, Cordelia is much too imposing." She laughed and nodded, opening her mouth to say something else but she was interrupted.

"Excuse me, Ms. Dimitriev, I don't know how your last school handled things but talking and ignoring my lesson is not to be tolerated." 

"Of course it isn't Mr. Harris, however you may want to fix your equation. You said we would be studying saponification, yet what you have written down is the equation for esterification." 

I heard snickers all around the room as Mr. Harris gave me a dirty look before fixing his mistake and going back to teaching.

I turned around to give Scott a note but he was too busy going over the handout and muttering occasionally. I quickly dropped the note back into my bag and faced the board, trying to slow my heartbeat down. 

Only one boy I knew could look at me and make my blood boil. And based on the expression he wore I could see that he had recognized me despite how much I changed.

It sure was nice to see that after all these years Stiles kept a special place in his heart for me.