Trust the Instinct

Bad Intentions

I woke up early the next morning and crept out of my room quietly, giggling a bit as I heard the chorus of snores coming from Scott's room.

I tip-toed down into the kitchen and grabbed out some of the ingredients I needed to make myself breakfast. I chewed on my lip, a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach. I concentrated hard and managed to open the cabinet door with a flick of my hand. 

I smiled brightly, feeling confident for once. I started to bring out a frying pan when it went flying across the room. "Shit!" I yelled as I ducked onto the floor. I groaned as I heard pounding footsteps on the stairs.

"What happened?" "Are you okay?" the boys spoke in a rush, their words blending with one another. "I can't mov frying pans." I stated simply, getting up and walking over to the pan and returning it to its place. 

"Why on earth did you think that was a good idea at six in the morning?" I shrugged in reply to Stiles, and put all the stuff I took out away, deciding cereal might be safer.

"Delia, why are you even up this early?" I looked at my cousin blankly, the lack of sleep making me forget why I was up. "I have to go out today" I answered, finally remembering. "I think my Nan might know something about the box and why I have it." I took a break to take a bite of cereal. 

"When I was younger she used to tell me all kinds of crazy things. Then once I told my dad about them he forbid me from seeing her. Now thinking back on it the crazy stuff she would talk about makes sense, so I just wanted to go and see her. It's a long drive though so I had to get up early." 

"Stiles you can go with her." Scott said as he started to leave the room. "I don't need to be babysat, I'm going to fucking Nan's for gods sake!"  I felt myself becoming more agitated and I started feeling the same thing I felt in the garage. 

"No one said you were being babysat. You just need extra care until we know Derek isn't a threat.That is, unless you want to leave?" He said gently, taking notice of my change in disposition. 

I agreed begrudgingly, remembering the promise I made him the night before. "I'm leaving in an hour, whether you're here or not." I told Stiles before heading upstairs to get ready, all too aware about how un-romantic that sounded.


I leaned on the car horn impatiently, it had been an hour and a half since breakfast and Stiles still wasn't down yet. 

"I swear he's a fucking girl." I mumbled and I have up and leaned my head on the steering wheel. "I heard that." I looked up at the sound of a car door slamming. "Well its true dearie, it took me a half hour and it took you an hour and a half. Do you see what's wrong with that?"

"No, actually, I don't. I like being clean and smelling good and that takes time. Now are you going to drive?" I threw him a dirty look before shifting the car into drive and pulling away.

We sat in silence for a very long time, I couldn't say that it was uncomfortable, but let's just say if I wasn't driving I would have gladly tucked and rolled out of the car.

"I spy something green?" Stiles looked at me like I had six heads. "What?" I asked innocently "I can't stand the silence and now you won't even guess it because it's too far away." 

"I refuse to play I-Spy with you but I'll talk a bit, we only have an hour and a half more to go." I looked at him with raised eyebrows, "What happened to the smooth operator that was seducing me at the ice rink?"

"Seducing?" he snorted, I glanced back at him and showed him that I really wasn't amused. "Plus I'm the smoothest operator there is, even Jackson calls me for help." This time it was my turn to snort and he flushed red. 

"Pull over and I'll show you." I looked at him quickly, my eyes wide in shock. "What the hell is wrong with you? We're ready late and there is no way I'm pulling over this car." He rolled his eyes and ran his leg up my thigh, slipping it up my dress slightly. 

I held my breath and put the blinker on, bringing the car over to the shoulder of the road. My whole body was tense and I felt my heart going a mile a minute, Stiles seemed to notice this as well and smirked as he unbuckled his seat belt and leaned closer to me.

As his lips got closer to mine I closed the rest of the space, eager to kiss him again. He paid no mind to this and continued kissing me, one of his arms snaking down to undo my seatbelt. I pulled away from him to let it sling back and went to kiss him once more but his lips were already preoccupied with my neck. I bit my lip to stifle a moan and ran my nails down his back, satisfied with the shiver it caused him.

 As we became more and more lost in one another I was brought back to my senses by a car driving dangerously close to mine. I jumped away from him, wiping my lips and fixing my dress, refusing to make eye contact with him.

As soon as I had fixed myself I put the car back on the highway, driving as fast as I could as if the farther
I got from that spot the more likely we were to forget it. "Sorry." He whispered, his voice strained as well. 

"Just don't talk about it" I kept my eyes focused on the road but I knew that he already wore a face of regret. I debated on whether or not I should say something more about it but I decided to let it be, it wasn't as if it meant anything to him, and due to the lack of words the rest of the car ride I was left with this thought for the remaining hour of our trip.


I stepped out of the car delicately, my legs stuff from the long drive and my heart fluttering out of nerves. 

I had no clue that she would even remember me, it had been that long. Or maybe I was mistaken and she knew nothing, or what if she moved or what if-

I refused to think of that, I would have known if she was gone. For the first time that afternoon I glanced over at Stiles and gestures for him to follow me. 

I climbed up onto the wooden porch and knocked on the yellow door gingerly, surprised when it opened. I stepped inside quietly, fearful that I might scare her. "Excuse me, is anyone home." I called, half expecting an echo from the large shell of a home.

"Delia, I've been expecting you."

I turned in the direction of the voice and felt all the breath leave my body. Nothing I ever could have dreamed of could have amounted to this. I replied very softly.

"I wish I could say the same about you Derek."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter for all my lovely readers, there really isn't much I can say about this one. I'm sure I'll get a lot of crap from a lot of you for leaving you with a cliffhanger. But fear not, I shall update soon enough to satisfy you all.