Trust the Instinct


"Concentrate Cordelia!" My Nan's sharp voice broke the concentration I barely had and the flame ball I had been attempting to create fizzled out onto the grass. 

I stomped out the few blades that had caught and rubbed my temples. We had already done a lot today and I felt a migraine coming on. Nan had suggested that we start with fire spells first and at first it was simple things like lighting a candle by blowing on the wick, then we progressed to making a fire by clapping my hands. 

Now we were doing the hardest thing yet, I had to create a ball of pure fire and attempt to send it towards the target she had set up. At first it had seemed very easy, but then Nan told me I had to make the flame hotter than it was. 

Do you know how hard to its to make a blue flame without burning yourself? The best I had come up with was a greenish-white and even that was weak.

I ground my teeth and tried again, this time relaxing before attempting it again, only to get the same result.

I flexed my hands and wrung them together, my temper getting the best of me. Nan reached over and grabbed them lightly, I felt a calmness begin to take over me.  "Just think about something that gets you mad, it's that simple." 

I nodded at her and took a deep, calming  breath. I thought about everything I had been through in the past month. That really didn't seem to work so I thought of the one thing that was really ticking me off lately. Stiles.

I feel as if every time we get close to something he takes three steps back and shuts me out. Then he is still hung up on Lydia. I don't know how many times that boy needs to he rejected before he comes to his senses and realizes they shouldn't be together.

In front of me a saw a ball of bright, blue light, so large that it was nearly the size of a beach ball. I brought my hands back and pushed them forward, sending the ball directly through the target.

Nan clapped before putting out the flames. "Flawless Cordelia, I knew you could do it. Now before you come on Thursday I want you to learn the summoning spell, that way we can get the necklace back from them without ever coming face to face. Now go, it looks like a storm is coming."

"Thanks Nan." I smiled lightly at her before biding her farewell. I ran out to the car to avoid the rain, anxious to get home. 

Tonight Stiles and Scott had a lacrosse game and like the good girlfriend I was I'm going to go and support him. We hadn't talked since last week when he kissed me at my front door but after that I was ninety percent sure that he felt something for me.

I pulled up to the door just as Scott was running out to Stiles' jeep. I walked over slowly and tapped on the window lightly, hoping they would let me in before I was completely soaked. 

Without glancing back at me Stiles opened the door and pulled away after I was safely inside the car. "So how did it go?" I rested my chin on the back of the passenger seat "Great, I can control and create fire now." 

"Can you get rid of this rain?" I chuckled at him while shaking my head. I glanced at the clouds over head, it didn't seem like it was going to let up soon. I sat back in my seat and discretely stole glances at Stiles, annoyed at how badly I had it for him.

Those thoughts were pushed aside as I began to daydream about him and I. I was in a particular favorite one of him and I on a beach kissing when Scott disrupted them to let me know we had gotten to the field. 

Blushing, I got out of the car, grateful the rain had let up to a mist. However I was still cold as I got settled on the stands, staying far away from Allison because her grandfather was with her. 

I hopped from foot to foot as the game progressed, my cheers of encouragement becoming more and more weak. Eventually Stiles turned and flung a jacket at me, not saying a word. Feeling defeated I took the jacket and put it on, feeling considerably warmer after.

I watched the rest of the game in silence, grateful when it was finally over when Scott made the winning goal. He ran over to me after the game "You're going to go home with Stiles, he's staying over again. I'll be back later, Allison and I want to go out."

I raised my eyebrows at him in alarm "Are the two of you insane? You have to get better at sneaking around and announcing your plans to me when her grandfather is less than sixty feet away is not a good idea." He scoffed at me "I can take care of myself Delia, you're worrying for no reason." 

I gaped at his nonchalance and idiocy "Fine, whatever. I'll cover for you if your mom gets home before you do." He gave me a small smile "I love you Deils" I rolled my eyes and groaned as he pulled me into a crushing hug. With a smirk I ignited the tip of my ring finger and pressed it lightly against his thigh causing him to jump away and give me a dirty look.

"I couldn't breath." I stated simply before waving goodbye and walking over to Stiles. He stood there without any sign of moving or breathing. He only had his eyes locked in one direction, eyes that seemed broken and defeated.

I took a peak at what he was looking at and felt my heart break for him. Jackson and Lydia were tangled within one another in his car. At that moment I didn't think how it could benefit me, I just knew that it was hurting Stiles and that's all that mattered.

I put a hand on his shoulder and turned him around. "I'll drive" I said quietly, unsure if I should bring up the two of them. He nodded gratefully and allowed me to lead him to the car.

We didn't talk the entire ride home, I because I was afraid of hurting him even further and he preamble because he was already hurting. When we finally got to the house he wordlessly went to Scott's room, leaving me alone. 

Alone in my room, I tried to study the spell I was supposed to but my thoughts were with the boy in the room down the hall. With a sigh I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of tequila and a couple of glasses from the liquor cabinet my aunt had. 

I went back upstairs and knocked on the door, pushing it open when he didn't reply. "I have stuff that will make you feel better." I said, raising my hands. He motioned for me to come closer to him. I sat on the floor while he took the bed, watching him as he expertly poured into the shot glasses.

He handed one to me and I looked at it a little warily, the last time my friends had me drink I wasn't exactly in the best state. He looked at me expectantly after he swallowed his glass, with a sigh I drained mine as well, wrinkling my nose as the bitter liquid ran down my throat. We continued in this wordless pattern for a few more minutes until the alcohol made us brazen.

"Truth or dare Delia?" I sucked on the inside of my cheek, feeling a but lightheaded and dizzy. "Dare" I finally decided, a high pitched hiccup accentuating my choice.  He slid off of the bed and settled in front of me, leaning over until I had fallen backwards and he loomed over me. 

"Kiss me" He smirked, I felt my mouth pop open and my blue eyes grow wide. I completely laughed in his face. "Now why would I do that? You don't like me, and no one is around to see our little act." I bit my lip at my little slip, I never said that I didn't like him. He didn't appear like he noticed but he still held his face close to mine. 

"Because I dared you Cordelia" there was something pleading in his tone that made me lean up and connect our lips. He groaned slightly at the contact and pushed me back down, putting some of his weight on me.

I pulled away, knowing that if I wanted the truth it was now or never. "Truth or dare Stiles?" "Truth" he answered immediately, eager to get back where we were. "Do you like me" I asked quietly, turning my head so I didn't have to look in his eyes.

He turned my head gently and looked back at me smiling softly "Only a little" I smiled back at him, pushing my body against his. Believe it or not that was the perfect answer, the very same I would tell him when we were younger, before we had grown to dislike one another. 

He slid his hands up the sides of my shirt, removing it from my body and removing all other thoughts from my head.  His shirt was the next thing to go and he held me close, his kisses growing softer and softer. "Are you sure?" he whispered. I bit my lip, feeling his heart beat against my own. I looked back at him and suddenly all my doubts cleared away, I wasn't sure if it was the tequila talking or just my desires but I barely heard the yes I whispered in reply. He deftly removed my shorts and tights, leaving me bare and cold as he removed his jeans. 

He came back to me, his muscles tense and his eyes alive and mischievous. I smirked and connected our lips once more, completely ready as we bagman to loose ourselves in one another.

Startled, I sat up in bed, my body sticky with swart and my heart racing. I looked around my dark room and sighed. Nothing had happened, I flushed red at what I wished would happened and laid back down, trying to calm myself down and figure out how I was going to face Stiles tomorrow.

What I didn't know was that three rooms away he was sitting up in bed, in the same position as I, wondering the same thing.
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Sorry for the late update guys, but sleep took over as I was writing last night. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it! Also, I'm going I be gone from Friday to Tuesday, I'm going to try and make the next chapter as awesome as possible to hold you over until the next time I can update, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up.