Trust the Instinct

When I Look At You

The next day I made sure to get up early to try and avoid the boys. I crept down into the kitchen and took out a cereal bar, placing it in my bag for later.

I turned around with my head still in my bag when I walked into a bare, toned chest. With a gulp I looked up and saw it was Stiles, both he and I looked away from one another with red faces, I backed up away from him and tripped over a kitchen chair.

"G-Good morning" I stuttered out, mentally smacking myself for being such an idiot. "Good morning" his voice cracked as he replied, looking my way but not looking me in the eye. I had no idea why he was acting odd, me it was understandable but it's not as if he witnessed what I dreamed.

 We stood in opposite corners of the kitchen for a few moments, the only thing snapping us out of our awkwardness was Scott. 

"What the hell is wrong with you two?  You look like you two were caught-" he stopped mid-sentence and glared at Stiles. "What, had sex, no never!" he stuttered nervously and my eyes went wide. He knew, somehow he knew about the dream. "Nothing happened Scott, we just broke up is all." I whispered, there he was free now.

 Stiles looked at me and met my eyes for the first time that morning, I could barely recognize the emotions in them before I looked away and walked out of the kitchen, grabbing the car keys and leaving the house.

Once I got in the car I realized I had nowhere to go. Something sank inside of me when I realized I didn't have a real friend here. In a snap decision I turned in the ignition and began the long trek towards the one place that was always home to me.


I pressed ignore for the twelfth time that night, finally deciding to shut my phone off all together. I was tired of the calls from Scott and Allison, even my aunt had tried many times but I was just tired of it all.

 I let my phone rest on the sand next to my shoes and stared out at the waves, the calming rush of them helping me forget everything. 

I stretched my legs out and let's the water run up to my knees, it's icy fingers leaving a stinging sensation. 

I had been here for hours now, it may seem stupid that I had to come all the way out here just to think but I had always been this way. Anytime things got rough I ran, always to the ocean. There was something calm about it, something pure. It rejuvenated me, made me feel like it could do anything.

With a smile I grasped the sand that was beneath me, feeling peaceful and like nothing could break me. 

Then I was metaphorically bitch slapped by the worst thing life could throw at me. 

"Are you going to come home?" I winced at the sound of his voice, feeling as if my pure sanction had been dragged through mud. "This is home" I whispered, lying down and closing my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at him. 

I felt the sand shift next to me and knew he had laid down beside me. "It's really nice here." he whispered, doing his best not to disturb the quiet any more. I opened my eyes and found the strength to look at him. "Why did you come here Stiles? I let you go, no more acting."  

"I missed you" he said simply, I turned my head a bit and smiled. "So why did you leave?" he asked and I felt my cheeks start to heat up. "Embarrassment" I cleared my throat before continuing. "I had a...bad dream." hoping I wouldn't have to clarify what I meant by bad.

By the way his cheeks changed color I was assured that no further explanation was needed. "Was tequila and truth or dare involved?" he choked out. I looked at him incredulously, the same wonder going through my mind as this morning. I nodded slowly, slightly ashamed. "I had it too" 

I shrank away from him and his confession, unsure of what that meant. Stiles reached out for my hand, I let him hold it but I didn't do anything in return, weirded out by the entire situation. "I was reading things online and it told me that when witches find a strong bond with someone they often share things." 

I gave him a skeptical look "Strong bond like how?" he rolled his eyes "When a witch likes someone and they other person likes them back." 

This time it was I who rolled my eyes "See, then obviously it was a coincidence. You don't like me, you like Lydia. It was a good thing I ended it between us. It was stupid." 

He rubbed his neck and stared into my eyes "About that, maybe we should get back together, you never know, she can always change her mind." 

I shook my head in disbelief "She's back with Jackson, you know she's too wrapped up in him to even notice anyone or anything else." 

"Then maybe I just want an excuse to be with you." he said quietly, looking back up at stars. I turned completely on my side so I could look at him.  "You mean that?" I couldn't keep the desperate tone out of my voice, I had been hurt too many times to believe someone when they say things like that the first time they say it.

He rolled over and kissed me, his hand under my chin. It wasn't anything like the one we shared at the library or my bed. Nor was it like the clumsy kiss we shared in Scott's closet when we were just two young kids dared to do something we thought was disgusting. 

This was perfect, it was sweet and slow like the night he dropped me off at home. I smiled mid kiss, he was telling the truth and he smiled back, his hand circling around my waist. "Believe me now?" I answered him with another kiss and felt an overwhelming happiness consume me.

"Do you want to go back?" he asked, his smile big enough to match my own. I shook my head at him "Let's just stay here a little longer." he pulled me closer to him and rested his head against my chest. I sighed contently, although there was a tiny bit of fear in the back of my mind that this would all end.

But as time passed I began to realize it was truly happening. There was no being shaken out of lucrative daydreams or jumping out of forbidden dreams. In that moment everything was perfect, and nothing anyone could do or say to me could make me want to change where I was.
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So a nice, lovey dovey chapter to hold you over until I can update again. Sorry that it is short but I promise the next one will be longer and a lot more interesting. Anyway, enjoy, and I'll be back next week :)