Trust the Instinct

The Fear

"You should probably go before Scott gets home." I sighed, pressing myself closer to Stiles. It may have been my suggestion that he leave but I didn't really want him to get off the couch.

"Remind me again why we don't just tell people we are dating?" I looked at his raised brows and gave him a dry look. 

"It's just complicated and safer this way. I guess like Allison and Scott. I know Derek will come back for me once he realizes the necklace doesn't work for him and you're already in enough danger from my idiot cousin. The last thing I need is your dead ass on my conscience." 

I started to get up but he held me tighter, rolling over so I was pinned beneath him. "Stiles, we really need to go." I giggled as his lips attacked my collar bone, "Seriously, I have lessons today and my Nan is already pissed the summoning spell didn't work on Tuesday." 

He gave me a dirty look before rolling off of me. "Fine, but this weekend you and I are going to go away. Somewhere where I can have a lot of fun. At least several times, in several different positions."

 I pressed my lips in a suppressed smile and kissed him lightly before pushing him out the door. A weekend with Stiles, how very interesting that sounded.

Still smiling I walked up to my room and grabbed the few things I needed before running down to wait for Scott to get home with his car. That was actually something else I needed to get done, maybe I could conjure one up once I get better at spells.

As I was fantasizing about my future car Scott came in looking abnormally cheerful. "What's going on with you?" I asked, laughing as he spun me around the living room. "For once everything is good, and I even got you a surprise!"

I looked at him in alarm. It's not that he meant to hurt anyone but Scott's surprises were anything but safe. He rolled his brown eyes at the expression I wore "It isn't bad, I just got you a date is all." 

I tried to hide my shock and slowly made my way to the door "That's great Scott but I really don't have the time. I'll talk to you later okay?" 

He huffed and mumbled something about how I was always busy and left the room. I got into his car feeling immensely guilty and I tried to shake the feeling the entire time I drove to my Nan's house.


When I finally pulled up to her house I decided that I would make some time for Scott in the next few days, believe it or not I actually found that I missed his ADHD ass.

"I'm here Nan!" I called through the warm house as I dumped the car keys and my hat on the table in her pale yellow hallway. 

"Wonderful Cordelia, I trust you still have the spell memorized?" I nodded as I walked into her dining room, helping her light the candles she had set up. She took out an old wooden bowl with carvings she told me came from the ancient Serbs when the necklace was created. 

She filled it with water and blessed it quickly, looking at me expectantly. I took a deep breath before walking in front of the bowl. I lightly touched the surface of the water and began to heat it up slightly, wiping my hands on my jeans when I was done. 

I squared my shoulders before opening my mouth to begin;

"Bless us tonight. A song of the ancestors invokes the cauldron of lost matter." 

I took another breath and dipped my hand fully into the bowl, preparing for the next part of the spell.

"Deep in the night; when the moon is high above. Return what has been lost;  leaving eyes that seek, fearful and meek."

 I closed my eyes and thought about the necklace, refusing to let my concentration waver. 

I felt something smooth and cold beneath my fingertips in the water and opened my eyes, smiling as I did so. Beneath my clenched fingers was the necklace, the moonstone shining brightly, as if knowing it was home. 

I looked at my Nan and handed it to her, "Here, you take this. You probably know it better than I do." She took it from me and surprised me when she clasped it around my neck. 

She put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me with old, bright eyes. "While I do know more about that necklace than you do I cannot use it. Only a few members in our lineage with the gift are able to control that stone and because I didn't have the ability to and your father was unable to receive the gift, you are the only person that can control the night."

My eyes widened at this new information. I was fine when I thought that maybe Nan could show me what I do but knowing that only I was responsible for the growing conflict at home scared me. 

"I have faith in you that you will do what is honest and right. I never would have passed this down if I didn't think so." I looked up at her reassuring words and smiled faintly, thinking only about the danger this put everyone in, namely Stiles.

"How exactly do I control them?" I asked, thinking back to that night in the parking lot, which seemed very long ago all of a sudden. "Just concentrate, and tell them." I looked at her in disbelief, it seemed so simple. She rolled her eyes that seemed to mirror my own.

 "Well it can't always be incantations and ceremonies. Whenever you find yourself in trouble just concentrate and picture the thing you want to happen. Your powers will take over from there." I nodded as I let this new information sink in, helping her clean up her dining room now that the ceremony was over.

 "So how are you and that boy doing?" I blushed and reached for a candle, blowing it out before answering. "Really good" I whispered before moving on to the next candle. When I looked back I saw she was looking at me worriedly. "Just be careful Cordelia, bad things happen when witches fall in love." 

Before I could ask her what would happen if I did fall in love her doorbell rang. I hastily put the remaining items away and arranged myself on a chair with a cup of tea, appearing as innocent as possible.

 I rose when Nan came back with her visitor, a male visitor. "Charlie this is my granddaughter Cordelia." I shook his hand. "It's a pleasure, I'm sorry but I must be going, Nan I'll see you on Thursday."

I raised my eyebrows at her and hid a smirk, earning me a light smack on the thigh. "Actually I'll be out this Thursday, so next Tuesday would be best, for your art lesson." I picked up on her change and smiled. "Of course Nan, and thank you again." 

I gave her a kiss and left, anxious now to get home and make sure nothing happened with Derrick.


I pulled up to the house and felt my stomach drop at the sight of the dark house. I ran up the drive and threw open the door, calling frantically around the house for my cousin and panicking even more when he didn't answer. 

I tried to call him as I ran back out to my car and grew agitated when he never answered. I drove a bit recklessly through the night as I tried to get to Stiles' as quickly as possible. 

I banged in the door loudly, feeling my heart thunder in my chest. "What the hell is going on out-" 

I grabbed Scott in a hug as he opened the door, not caring if I was crushing him. "Thank god you're okay" I sobbed over and over again into his chest, feeling weak with relief.

 "What happened Delia?" I let him go of him at the sound of his voice and smacked his chest, anger coming over me suddenly. "Asshole, I thought something happened to you, ever thought about picking up your phone?"

I walked further into the house and shut the door, barely glancing at Stiles who was on the couch. "I thought that Derrick came for you Scott, and when you didn't pick up your phone I thought I wouldn't see you again." 

As I explained myself I began to see how quickly I jumped to conclusions and internally shuddered, I sounded worse than a crazy girlfriend. "I told you that I can handle him Delia, besides why would he come all of a sudden like that?"

"I got back the moonstone, how long do you think it will be before he realizes that it's gone?" Scott scoffed at me before sitting on the couch next to Stiles. I huffed and stood in front if the television.

"I'm serious Scott, you keep saying that you don't want a fight but he's out there threatening everything and everyone he can so he can become more powerful. It has to stop." he was about to answer me back when Stiles interjected.

"I think she's right" I looked at him gratefully, "We can't just keep waiting for him to make a move. You need to end this." 

"We can't just start a war! Think about everyone that can get hurt!" he was standing now, turned so he could preach to both Stiles and I. "And think about everyone he is hurting now. I'm not saying to publicize it, I'm just saying that you shouldn't run from him."

"I refuse to let anyone be put in danger Cordelia! So I'm not going fight him unless he gives me a reason to. Thats it." He stormed out of the room angrily and I heard the slamming of the back door as he went into the yard.

I turned toward Stiles fuming. "Why can't he see that being passive is doing nothing? We need to start fighting!" 

He grabbed me in his arms and rubbed my back soothingly, "I can do it you know, I could put a stop to everything." he grabbed me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"Cordelia promise me that you won't go near Derrick." I flushed with the concern and protectiveness in his voice. "But I just want everything to be over with."

"Promise me Delia" I stiffened at his hard tone and nodded weakly. "I promise Stiles" he smiled at me and kissed me, holding onto me a bit tighter than usual. 

We pulled away when we heard Scott coming back in, sitting in opposite couches and staring at the television. When Scott wasn't looking Stiles shot me a smile, which I knew was because of the promise we had made. 

I smiled back a little weak before glancing down at my fingers, still crossed from before.
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Hello! I'm back! Sorry for the long absence but like I promised, a nice long chapter for you. I have to say that I really missed writing for this story when I was gone. I also missed the lovely comments I get from my lovely readers, no pressure, I just really missed you all :)