Trust the Instinct

Welcome To My Life

I stared blankly at the board, trying to figure out what Finstock was teaching. It was easily said that Economics was my worst class, even  if I was passing it.

I glanced at the seat next to me, a little helplessly. Lydia looked back at me with a kind smile, leaning over a bit to whisper to me. "I'll tutor you later, just stop by my house tonight." 

I smiled at her gratefully, deciding to work out my exact plans with Derrick later that night or tomorrow, in place of my lessons with Nan. 

Just as Finstock added a new question to the board the bell rang. I sighed with relief as the end of the day was signaled and slid out of my desk, anxious to get to my locker and grab my things.

"So about that date I set you up for." I turned around slightly and continued walking as Scott kept pace with me, not really wanting to hear who he had set me up with. "It's going to be tomorrow night at the arcade." 

I held in a snort, an arcade wasn't exactly a date in my mind but it would be rude to say so. "Scott I don't know, I just broke up with Stiles and I'm really not in the dating mood." I lied through my teeth and started to spin my lock, trying to open it as quickly as possible once we came to my locker.

"Please, I already promised him and you don't have to go on another one." I finally got my locker open and started putting my books away, grabbing the things I needed for when I got home. "Please Delia" I looked at Scott's pleading face and felt myself nod in agreement. 

He smiled before hugging me and running down the hall to catch some time with Allison before practice. I finished putting my things in my bag and walked as quickly as I could to an empty classroom, locking the door behind me and pulling down the shade on the door.

"What took you so long?" I sighed and let my bags fall to the floor as I pressed my back into the sinewy arms that had wrapped around me. 

"Scott" I murmured as warm lips were pressed to my neck. "He was telling me about a date he had set up to me." I smirked as I felt Stiles' lips stop and I turned to face him. "You...agreed to that?" 

I giggled as his hand stroked my side and sighed before my reply. "I had to Stiles, he thinks we aren't together."

He pouted and turned his head from me, with a small smile I directed his head so he was back to looking at me. "I don't like it anymore than you do. But it's one date, and I'll think of you the entire time."

"Promise?" he mumbled, letting his forehead rest against mine. "I promise" I whispered before capturing his lips in my own. 

He groaned and took me in his arms, lifting my from the ground and carried me until he could place me on a desk. His hands laced themselves in my curls and pressed his taut body against my own. 

I held back a moan of animalistic need and focused on being with him, keeping in mind that we were in a classroom and things couldn't escalate that much. 

I bit my lip as he began to litter kisses across my collar bone, sighing as he became more and more gentle. I lazily traced patterns across his back, while it sucked that we had to steal moments such as these they were most definitely the sweetest.

"How adorable"

Stiles jumped away from me, an instinct both of us were used to. I glanced at the blonde headed girl in annoyance. "Isn't she trying to bang Scott?" I asked Stiles, he gave me a nervous look as I hopped off the desk.

Erica gave me a dirty look before crossing the room to stand in front of me. "Derrick thought that you might have taken that back. He sent me to go and get it." 

I swerved from her claws as she tried to rip the chain from my neck, easily sliding out of her grasp. "Erica, just leave her alone." 

I tightened my grip on Stiles to let him know his intervention wasn't needed. "You know that if you take it again I'm just going to get it back." I pointed out, already starting to picture her disappear. 

"Your right" she agreed, the snarky tone in her voice telling me that she was anything but finished. "I guess I'll just have to take you back then." 

"Well, that's really not what I wanted to happen." I tried, seeing the necklace had changed it color and was glowing feebly in the fluorescent lighting. She chuckled darkly, her face already beginning to morph.

"And what exactly did you want? For me to leave you alone?" she battered her long lashes innocently, the effect gruesome as she had completely transformed into a werewolf. 

"I was thinking more along the lines that you disappear." With the final word she seemed to vanish into thin air and I let my astonishment show.

"How, what, where?" I looked at him and immediately answered his half questions. "I sent her back to Derrick, Nan said that all I had to do to use the stone was picture what I wanted and say it and I wanted her gone."

"Well that's useful." he looked down at me, seeming to be impressed and moved to kiss me again but I dodged him. "You have practice in fifteen minutes." I explained to his pouting eyes. 

He made a sound of annoyance and took his bag from the floor. "I'm not kidding, you and me this weekend, no one else." 

I shook my head at this empty suggestion and pushed him out of the room, waiting another ten minutes myself before leaving and walking to the field to do my homework while they practiced as usual. 

"So are you the girl that Scott has me set up with for tomorrow." I looked up from my chemistry work to see a boy that seemed a bit older than I with striking blue eyes. "I guess so" I said slowly, getting a gut feeling that he wasn't to be trusted.

"I'm Matt" he tried again, holding out a hand, I gingerly shook it "Delia" was my quiet reply. I looked behind him at the field and noticed that the practice had resumed. He followed my gaze and let go of my hand. "I need to get going, but I'll see you tomorrow night." 

I nodded a bit and gave him a false smile, which turned into a real one when I saw Stiles' jealous look across the field. I quickly looked back down at my work and started scribbling across the page, hoping that no one had caught out perverse show of affection. 


"Come on Delia, it's time to go home." I looked up at Scott and winced slightly at the pain in my neck. 

"Actually I gotta go to Lydia's I need help with Economics and she said she would tutor me." he picked up my bag for me and helped me down the bleachers, mindful of the shoes I was wearing. 

"Okay, I'll drop you off on the way home then." I smiled gratuitously at him and took my stuff back from him, holding it on my lap as we slid into the car. 

"So what did you think of Matt?" I refrained from ignoring his question. "He seems alright, we didn't talk much." I only lied partially, not wanting to hurt his feelings. 

He smiled to himself and pulled up to Lydia's house. "You want me to pick you up?" I paused for a moment, debating on whether or not I should have Stiles do it instead.

"Sure, I'll call you when I'm done."  we barely had time together anymore and I should probably let Stiles have time to himself. He waved goodbye as I ran up her walkway, tapping on her door.

"Hello Mrs.Martin" I said as her mother answered the door. "You must be Lydia's friend Cordelia, how lovely to meet you. Lydia is upstairs in her bedroom. I'm sure that you will find it easily." 

I smiled at her kindness before following her instructions and going upstairs to find Lydia. She sat on her bed and had a textbook next to her, however she didn't notice me as I walked into the room, instead she was staring into the corner of her room, her face pale and sweaty.

"Lydia, what's wrong?" my only reply was a scream that I had to stifle so her parents wouldn't hear. I quickly shut her door and went back to trying to shake her out of it but it didn't work. As a last resort I ignited a fingertip and pressed it to her bare thigh, much like I did to Scott. 

She jumped out of her haze "Can you help me?" she whispered, leaning into my arms. I brought her over to her bed and sat next to her, brushing  the stray hair away from her face as she sobbed lightly. 

"Lydia what's wrong?" I asked again once she calmed down. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." 

I smiled at her grimly and squeezed her hand reassuringly "Trust me when I tell you that you don't know the half of what I would believe."
♠ ♠ ♠
So another chapter for you guys, I hope that you all enjoy it. I really liked writing it, especially the beginning. Don't be shy and let me know what you think! Also I know that some of the words are messed up but I write from my iPod so as soon as I post it I can't change it from my iPod and I rarely get on a computer so just bear with me please.