Trust the Instinct

Some Nights

"How was Lydia's?" 

I jumped violently as I walked through the door, not expecting anyone to be waiting for me.

"It was great aunt Mel, she really cleared things up for me, I should do loads better on my next test." I smiled, leaving out everything Lydia had talked to me about, I didn't think my aunt really wanted to hear about Lydia's issues with her family.

She smiled back at me but lingered in the room, giving off the feeling that there was more she wanted to talk about. "Is something bothering you?" I looked at her concerned, a gnawing feeling tugging at my stomach.

"I found these in Scott's room, I don't know what to do about it." she held up a box of condoms and I had to hide a grin before realizing that Scott was in deep trouble. With a deep sigh I took the blame for him. 

"They're mine aunt Mel, I figured the best hiding spot for them would be in his room." I looked down in pretend guilt, when I glanced up she was staring at me in appall. 

"Cordelia! While I cannot encourage this I must appreciate you being safe" I sighed in relief and allowed myself to relax. "Also you don't have to hide things like this, especially in Scott's room. I don't think he is ready to handle that just yet." 

I chucked along with her thinking how ironic it was that the situation was completely reversed. "Now get to bed. It's late and Scott has to take you to school tomorrow."

I nodded tiredly as she handed the box to me and went up the stairs swiftly, deciding to stop by Scott's room first. I huffed in annoyance upon finding that he was out again and stormed into my room, thinking about how much he owed me and how he was going to get himself killed one day.


I sat up panting, feeling sticky with sweat. Looking outside I saw that it was close to dawn, but I couldn't go back to sleep. 

It was the same nightmare, over and over. Scott was being cut in half and there was nothing I could do about it, it was a terrible thing, feeling powerless.

Still feeling a bit shaken I got up and began to get dressed, deciding to walk to school that morning. As soon as I finished I wrote Scott a note and taped it to his door, running out the door before my senses got to me.

While I was walking I practiced some of the spells I had read in the book. The two I was most interested in were the healing spell and another that could conjure a force field. I was able to make small shields but they seemed very weak and my head began to hurt with the effort. 

The healing spell was harder because I didn't have anything to practice on so I worked on remembering and pronouncing the spell correctly. 

Which  wasn't as easy when the spell was in Latin and you needed to have a candle which wasn't that great considering I never carried one around, because really, who carries candles around?

I finally got to the school and trudged over to my locker, the last of my energy completely gone.

"Boing, boing" with a smile I grabbed the hand pulling at my curls, making a fist around the long fingers. "This is risky, you don't know whose watching." I said, keeping my head in my locker, although it took everything I had not to turn around and just jump on him in front of everyone.

"Then how will I see you before your date." at his bitter tone I faced him. "Stiles, you know that I don't even want to go tonight. Maybe I'll eat a peanut or two and start an allergic reaction so it ends early?" I pondered, keeping my voice low.

"Yeah, sounds great. Then as you die I can sit around and wait to be eaten in this town by myself." I shook my head at his sarcasm and stiffened as he leaned forward. 

His arm snaked around me and he grabbed one of my books from my locker, his lips grazing my cheek slightly as he pulled back.

Seconds later Scott appeared next to Stiles, a concerned look on his face. "I promised him my history notes?" I explained with a roll of my eyes. With all the lying I had done lately and how believable it was I truly deserved an Oscar or something.

Before Scott could question further I changed the subject "Your welcome by the way" I slammed my locker shut and spun to look at the bewildered boy. "Your mom found your condoms, I told her I kept them in your room so she wouldn't think they were mine." 

I started to walk as I explained this to him, gleefully taking note of the pink tone taking place across his cheeks. "What on earth does she think you would do with those?" I looked around Scott towards Stiles, smirking in response to his snarky tone.

"Well I quite enjoy the use of those as much as dear Scotty does." Scott blushed even more and looked at the ground nervously, I took this time to look at Stiles who smirked back, catching onto the double meaning.

"Alright, I have to go. I have Psychology first today, but I'll see you later." I told Scott before skipping down the hallway to Psych, smiling as I heard his laugh follow me.


After classes were done I slipped my books in my locker quickly, hoping to catch Stiles quickly before Scott could get to me. My plans however were foiled by Matt. "So do you want to go now? Or would you rather stop at your house first?"

I smiled nervously at him "We can leave now, I just need to go and find Scott quickly, tell him that I'm leaving." 

He nodded in agreement before walking downstairs with me to the hallway closest to the parking lot. I saw Stiles and Erica talking and felt a surge of jealousy surge through me. 

I clenched my jaw and looked around for my cousin once more, failing to see him. I smiled at Matt before walking over to Stiles, keeping my expression nonchalant. 

"Have either of you seen my cousin?" Erica glanced at me then back at Matt before smirking. I shot her a glare before stamping my foot a bit impatiently. As my foot landed there was a slight splash, I looked down and saw a puddle growing, the start of it coming from the locker room door.

Before the three of us could move Scott and Jackson came barreling out of the locker room door, Allison was soon to follow and tried to break them up to the best of her ability. 

I lunged at Jackson and Erica helped remove him from Scott. I saw her claws come out as she gripped onto the struggling boy and I glanced at her in alarm. She quickly retracted them once we heard the voice of Mr. Harris.

He quickly got both boys to stop their fighting and gave everyone in the vicinity detention. I groaned as I let go of Jackson and glared at the educator, wondering what he was hiding that had made him such a horrid person.


"Why don't you tell Scott about you and Stiles?" I glanced at the blonde headed girl and shrugged, sneaking a glance at my brown-eyed boyfriend.

"How would you feel if one of your closest relatives started to date one of your best friends?" I raised my eyebrows to punctuate the question but let them drop slowly as she gave me a sad smile. "I would have been okay with it because that would mean I actually had friends."

I did not reply to her quiet words, instead I just squeezed her hand, keeping it between the two of us. She smiled genuinely at me and returned to her work. Not knowing exactly how alike we were ; I understood though how it felt to be alone. That was probably the only thing I didn't miss about back home.

As soon as Harris left the room with Jackson we were joined by Scott and Stiles. I kept my head down as they interrogated Erica about Jackson and his parents. It was sad to think that he had lost his parents, but I had a feeling that they were all keeping something from me.

I kept quiet as Scott was called to the office, focusing on my homework and ignoring the two other people at the table. "He's coming back" I stated quietly and a few seconds later Mr.Harris came strolling in again, he picked up his bag and a collective sigh was heard around the room as we began to get up from our seats.

He let out a smug smile "Oh no, see I'm leaving, but you're not." I glared at him as he told us to organize the whole library basically before getting up and leaving.

With a sigh I got up and began to organize some shelves, stopping when a hand with very long fingers was placed over my own.  I looked up into brown eyes and bit my lip, a sinking feeling beginning to take over. 

"What are you keeping from me? I know there is a reason why you were talking about Jackson; why can't I know?" Stiles pursed his lips and shook his head. "It's nothing important, just trust us." 

I scoffed at him and slammed the book I was holding back down into the cart before walking away. I forced a small smile on my face when I saw Matt. "So it looks like we won't be getting to that date." I giggled a bit and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, glancing around to see Stiles in a deep discussion with Erica.

"Yeah, that's alright though, I know that you were only doing it because of Scott." I saw a rosy tint grow over his cheeks and knew that what I said was the truth. "Maybe we could hang out sometime anyway" he offered and I saw that he truly meant it.

"Maybe" Was my absentminded reply before I looked around the library, something felt different, more tense. I shrieked as a loud bang echoed throughout the library and debris fell from the ceiling. 

I glanced around frantically and caught a glimpse of something with scales, I was going to cry out when a sharp pain sliced across the back of my neck. I felt my limbs freeze and fell the the floor, hitting my head on a collapsed book shelf on the way down.

The last thing I heard before blacking out was a slither and a high pitched scream.


I woke up to dim lighting and the stench of old oil. Sitting up I grabbed my head, feeling a faint fuzzy feeling in my whole body as I started to stretch. I looked around and saw that Boyd was sitting in a booth next to me.

"Where am I?" I croaked, feeling my heartbeat race, he was a part of Derrick's pack. "At our hangout, it's okay. We are all on the same side." 

I looked into his dark eyes and saw he was telling the truth, a bit of annoyance ran through me. Scott really needed to get his hit together. "Where's Stiles?" I asked, not caring if he found out, I just needed to know he was okay.

Boyd looked uneasily at me and then glanced to another cart. I followed his gaze and found my boyfriend practically cuddling Erica and cooing at her. I scoffed in disgust and rose to my feet, dusting the dirt off of myself in the process.  "Did he even check on me?" my voice was low and my body taut, from the look Boyd gave me I knew the answer and it certainly was not good for Stiles.

I bade Boyd farewell and hopped off of the train, not bothering with anyone else. I ran back to the house, a very bad feeling gnawing at me. In the safety of my room I broke down, I had no idea if I could truly handle all of this.

Not only did I have my problems but I was slowly being sucked into everyone else's as well. With shaking hands I removed the necklace and put it back in its box, locking it and putting it beneath my floor board. I was done with magic, done with the supernatural. 

Just like I was nearly done with Beacon Hills.
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So long time no update, I'm really sorry about that. I just had so much party planning and summer homework that everything was put on hiatus. Then I really couldn't think of anything and this was the best I could do so I'm sorry for the crappy quality, but hopefully the length will make up for it.