Trust the Instinct


I drummed my fingers impatiently against the desk, staring down the clock, willing the final minute to go faster. I felt Stiles' eyes boring into my back, it had been the same all day since chemistry. Now that it was the end of the day all I wanted to do was get away from him and go home.

As soon as the bell rang I leapt from my seat and ran out the door, sling my bag over my shoulder as I went. I stretched my long legs to their fullest extent and walked as quickly as I could to the parking lot where I found Scott.

He was talking to an older man in a really nice black car. As I got closer to them the strange man looked up and peered at me from behind his sunglasses. He gave Scott one last look before driving away.

"Who was that?" I asked him curiously, peering after him. "No one" he grumbled and I let my curiosity go, nothing was worth a pissed off Scott. He grabbed my arm abruptly and started walking back towards the school. "What are you doing?" I asked, completely aghast. He rolled his eyes at me "I already told you Deils, I have lacrosse practice." 

I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. "Can I walk home then?" He gave me a look that told me I was being ridiculous. With a huge sigh I shut my mouth and started walking towards the field, giving Scott a dirty look as he parted to go and change. 

When I finally got into the bleachers I took a look around, it looked like the only teams practicing today were the lacrosse, cheer-leading and baseball teams and the baseball team was too far away for me to watch, and there was no way I was watching Stiles so I decided to take out some of my history homework and start it.

Absorbed in my work I looked around quickly and found that I had been joined by a darker hair boy that looked just a bit older than myself. "Hello" he practically purred "I'm Jackson, I see that you're new here but I wouldn't waste you're time with that dork McCall."

I bit my tongue, feeling the anger build up inside me at his pompous attitude. "I'm a pretty good judge of character, good enough to tell you that my cousin, Scott, is one of the best people you will ever meet and that you're nothing but a pretty boy snob that has had everything handed to him by daddy." 

After that little tirade of mine I gathered my books and walked of the bleachers, glancing back just in time to see the look of shock on his face. I spotted Allison across the field and motioned for her to come and watch the boys practice with me.

"I see that you've met Jackson" she murmured. "Oh, was that his name? I was under the impression that he was just called douche by everyone." she laughed at this "Yeah he has that affect, but he is really nice once you get to know him." I looked at her in disbelief and shook my head " I'm sure he is, all the same I would rather stay away from him" She let the conversation go after that and instead started talking about Scott. 

"Did he really put on your dress?" she asked, clutching her stomach from laughing so hard.

"Yes he did, and then proceeded to sing that he was a Barbie girl in a Barbie world." I choked out, doubled over. I looked up when I felt a kick in my side, I found Scott above me, pouting and appearing quite sour.

"You promised that you would never tell anyone that story" he whined but I could see the laughter in his eyes. "No I promised I wouldn't tell your mother and Allison doesn't look like your mother" I pointed out before standing back up again.

"Delia" Allison interrupted, "Have you met Stiles?" I glanced over at the boy in question in disdain. "Once or twice" I said dryly. He glared back at me, clearly hating my presence here. "Stiles you never told me that you met her, at lunch you said you hadn't seen her before."  I raised my eyebrows and stared into his brown eyes, a frown tugging the corners of my lips. 

"I didn't think it really mattered, we never liked each other" He explained, looking back at me. As he stared at me I felt something other than hatred for him but as quick as it came it was gone. "He's right" I admitted grudgingly "But we shouldn't waste our time on this now, Scott can you give me a lift back to the house?" 


The car ride home was completely silent, and the house I walked into wasn't much better. My aunt was still at work and Scott had left to do something with Stiles. Something told me that it dealt with the man from earlier but I didn't dwell on it.

When I went up to the guest room that had been hurriedly turned into my bedroom I noticed a package sitting neatly on the bed. There was no postage on the wrapping, leading me to think that it was a gift from my aunt or maybe it was something from back home that she had found in a box.  After tearing off the brown paper I was left with a medium sized wooden box.

The box was rose-like  in color and was carved with intricate flowers and symbols I couldn't decipher all around. On one of the sides sat a large, brass lock which I was unable to open. It looked as of something had to fit into it, but I couldn't make out what the shape was.

I ran a hand over the box again, feeling uneasy about what it was and where it came from, for I was absolutely sure no one else in my family knew about this but me. As I began to look at the lock again I heard the front door open.

I jumped off the bed and stashed the box at the bottom of my closet for now, it wasn't the safest place but I would move it later. After disposing of it I say back down on the bed and picked a book up from my nightstand, pretending that I had been reading since I got home.

A few moments later Scott's figure appeared in my door frame. "Don't you ever do anything else?" he complained, I shook my head and went back to reading. I heard Scott approaching and before I could stop him he had the book in his hands and held it above his head.

"You are coming out with me and my friends tonight" I have him a disparaging look and reached for the book. "Cordelia do as I say or I'm setting fire to this book." I felt my eyes grow wide with fear and I backed away. "Alright, I'll go, just let me grab my jacket." 

He gave me a satisfied smirk before throwing the book onto the bed and leaving the room. I grabbed my jacket off the floor and picked up my cell phone.

I cast a final uneasy look towards the closet before leaving the room, somehow knowing already that it would only bring trouble.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that these chapters have been short, I've been writing on my iPod since my family thinks its fun to use my laptop for everything. Anyway, hello subscribers!!! Thank you very much for deciding to read and like this story, it's very much appreciated. I sure wish you would comment though so I know who you are and could see what you really thought about it. Here's to wishful thinking. So I hope you enjoy this chaper and give me some feedback :)