Trust the Instinct

Love Game

I laced up my skates and stepped lightly onto the ice, trying to remember the last time I went ice skating. "What happened Delia? Too scared" I turned sharply to eye Scott down. "Scottie boy, have you forgotten that I went to nationals for figure skating?" 

That's when, I remembered suddenly. I was set to go onto more competitions after that but then dad passed and the drive just went out of me. I shook myself out of the depressing thoughts and started to skate backwards around the rink, happy that there wasn't really anyone but us.

I heard someone skate up next to me and turned, regretting that decision instantly. "So why did you come back?" he asked, a snarky tone creeping into his voice. "Does it matter? Especially when I know that you adore me so" I teased maliciously, knowing that it would annoy him to no end.

He pressed his lips together and rolled his eyes, taking time with his comeback. I skated so I was facing him and still going backwards around the rink. 

He glanced at me before continuing "I had no idea you skated" I smiled at him bleakly "Yeah, I was good at it too, if I had kept it up I probably would have been at worlds"

"Why did you stop then?" I let the question hang in the air for a bit, determining whether or not I should answer him. 

"When my dad passed after my national competition my mom was dazed, she had no time for me anymore and I ended up taking care of her, things had to go and skating was one of them." I explained quietly, my eyes facing the ice.

Stiles cleared his throat "I'm sorry about your dad. I mean I still don't like you and don't feel sorry for you, but your dad was a great guy."

I rolled my eyes at him "Stiles Stilinski you sure know the way to a girls heart." Stopping, I placed a hand over my heart, pretending to swoon. 

He sped up so he was centimeters from me, leaning down so our lips were nearly touching, "What can I say? Women are just drawn to me." he smirked; I licked my lips, trying to figure out how to tell him off and stop my heart from racing at the same time but I never got the chance.

Hearing a loud thud my head snapped to the other side of the rink where Scott had fallen face first onto the ice. I glanced back at Stiles before backing away from him and rushing to see of Scott was alright.

"I'm okay Allison, I swear" He pleaded, pushing her hands away as she tried to wipe blood from his nose. "I think I'm going to get going now." I told the two of them, pushing my hands into my pockets. 

"Do you want me to drive you?" Allison asked, I had to smile at her, she was genuinely  sweet. "Don't worry, I'm sure I can get ther-"

"I'll drive her home." Stiles interrupted, stopping next to Scott. "I was going to leave soon anyway, I need to study and look up some stuff." Scott and him exchanged an odd look at this but I couldn't press anymore because Scott just nodded and pushed me off the rink.

"Now the two of you play nice with each other" He warned sarcastically as we began to leave. I flipped him off because I was too far away to hit him and was satisfied at the look of horror on his face.


"Thanks Stiles" I said awkwardly as he stopped outside the house, my hand resting on the door handle. "Sure" was he short reply, "Actually I need you to let me in, I have to grab something from Scott's room before I go home" 

I shook my head in disbelief and slid out of the car, walked up the path and opened the door, cringing as it hit the wall with a loud bang. 

I looked back and saw that Stiles was still in the truck.  I threw my arms out in disbelief "Are you coming or not?" I yelled across the lawn, annoyance extremely clear in my tone.

He muttered something as he walked up to the door. As he ran up the stairs I slammed the door behind me "Little shit" I said to myself, wondering how in earth a person could be so nice one moment and such an ass the next. 

When I got to my room I pulled the box from my closet and laid it on my bed, examining it once more. After looking at the lock again the shape became more recognizable. With a start I jumped off the bed and began to tear through the last box I had, looking for my jewelry case.

"What's that?" 

I turned sharply and saw Stiles picking up the box. "Don't touch that" He dropped it immediately at the sound of my shrill cry. "It's my moms jewelry box." I explained nervously, desperately trying to get him to go away. 

"There is no way that's a jewelry box. That flower is a raskovnik; it's from Serbian mythology, I heard about it last summer. Apparently it opens any lock or it can bring great fortune."

I looked at him dumbstruck , reaching for the box and clutching it to my chest, "My mom was nuts about mythology, so she probably had the flowers carved into the box. Did you get what you needed?" 

His eyes jumped to mine with a start, 
"Yeah, I'm gonna go now." He seemed nervous and I let out a sarcastic chuckle.

 "What happened Stiles? I thought women were drawn to you? And yet the minute you're left alone with one you're looking to run away."

He got a serious glint in his eyes and crossed the room, straddling me and pushing me down onto the bed. "Does this look like I'm running away?" I shook my head no, my tongue too swollen to speak.

He lightly ran his lips over mine, laughing lightly as I tried to reach up for more. "Goodnight princess" He whispered against my lips before leaving the room. 

I laid there for a few moments, staring at the stucco ceiling, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. When I heard the door shut and his car pull away I finally got up and changed for bed. 

I had a gnawing feeling tugging at my stomach but I couldn't place it, I blamed it on Stiles and hormones and decided to get some sleep and figure out what happened tonight in the morning.

It wasn't until I was under the covers and nearly asleep that I realized that bastard took my box.
♠ ♠ ♠
So another chapter's done. I have to say that I really do enjoy writing for this story, more so than my other ones. I hope that you all enjoy it as well and I wish you would tell me if you like it or not :) I promise that I'll listen and any suggestions would be great.