Trust the Instinct


The next morning I dressed and ate in a hurry, anxious to get to school and talk to Stiles. Scott looked at me in shock, probably wondering how I was so put together when he was still in his pajamas. 

 "Aunt Mel, can I take your car to school today? I want to get there early and see if I can join a club or something." I lied smoothly, getting up from the table and clearing my plate. She looked across the table at me tiredly, bags apparent under the eyes she shared with her son.

"Of course, the keys are in the living room." Her voice was hoarse and her whole body seemed limp,  her job was taking a role on her, especially with the number of attacks in the area increasing more and more.

"Thanks Aunt Mel, please get some rest, I'll take care of the house after school." She smiled as I kissed her on the cheek and left the room. I grabbed my coat and slid it on over my dress before grabbing the keys and running out the door, pulling my hair up into a messy bun as I went. 


I pulled into the parking lot nearly fifteen minutes later, due to the fact that I had gotten lost a good three times. I saw Stiles' truck in the corner of the lot and nearly ran out of the car and into the school, ready to rip his head from his shoulders. I found a boy from the lacrosse team and walked up to him.

"Sorry but have you seen Stiles?" I asked, becoming nervous halfway through as my rage subsided a bit.  He smiled at me sweetly "He's right over there in the library, and for god's sake smile a bit, you're never going to get a man looking like you just ingested sour milk."

I felt a smile grow across my face despite myself, "Thank you..." I trailed off a bit searching for a name. "Danny" He concluded gleefully "I'll see you around Cordelia." I waved goodbye and started walking to the library, it didn't phase me that he knew my name, Beacon Hills wasn't that large of a school.

I barged through the library doors and found Stiles sitting at a desk studying. I dropped my bag next to him and grabbed him by the shirt collar, dragging him until we were all the way in the back where we could talk unheard.

"What a wonderful way to say hello Delia, yes my night was fine, I got home alright, how was my morning? Why it was wonderful, thanks for asking" He finished his sarcastic spew and rubbed his neck, which was quite red and it made me feel rather bad, that is until I remembered why I did it.

"Genim Stilinski" I started, using his real name "Where the hell is my box?" He looked back at me innocently, his eyes betraying nothing. "What on earth are you talking about, what could I need with a jewelry box." 

Heavy emphasis was left on the last two words and I sighed. "Okay so it's not a jewelry box but it's important, and I know you took it." I accused stepping closer to him and trying to appear menacingly.

"What would make you think I took it; and what is it if not a jewelry box?" Stiles looked down at me in a snarky way, as if saying that I wasn't intimidating him in the least and that I had only proven him right about something.

"I don't know what it is, that's why I need it back." I explained it to him as of he were a child, knowing that it would insult him more than anything I could say. " I know you took it Stiles, you were the last one in my room. Besides it went missing right after you-" My sentence was cut short by a sudden need of breath and the blush growing across my collarbone.

"After I what?" He smirked, leaning closer to me. I ducked from under him and took a few steps backwards. "Oh no, no, no, no, Stiles Stilinski. You can't get out of this by playing on an innocent girls hormones, that's going to ge-"

He cut me off with a kiss, wrapping one arm around my waist and tangling the other in the loose hair around my neck. I was startled at first, but once he become more passionate I felt my eyelids flutter shut and began to kiss him back. He really was a good kisser, I had to admit even though I didn't like anything else about him really. As he caught my bottom lip between his teeth I sighed and involuntarily brought my arms around his neck, completely forgetting where I was and why I was there.

That is until I heard a book snap in some other part of the library.

I pushed him away from me roughly, wiping my mouth a little and feeling a bit disgusted with myself. "What the hell?" I whispered, angrier than I was before.

"You enjoyed it." Stiles sang while smirking. I nearly hit him. "Just give me the damn box Stiles." I told him, completely disregarding what transpired between the two if us just now. His face fell and his tone got considerably darker.

"Fine, it's in my backpack, just do me a favor and don't open it, I was researching it and it just doesn't seem safe." 

I scoffed at him and started to walk away. "Delia I'm serious, every time that box has appeared in history bad things have happened. I don't know why but tragedy follows that box."

"There's no way it's the same box Stiles, and don't you trust me even in the slightest?" I asked, although I couldn't keep the mocking tone out of my voice.

"Fine open it, see if I care. But don't go asking me or Scott for help when you need it." He stormed past me, leaving me there. 

I thought about his warning more seriously as I took the box from where Stiles was sitting before. There was no way it was the box he said it was, it was probably just some silly replica that my parents wanted to give me or something.

I put it in my locker and resolved to open it once I got home, absolutely sure that nothing would happen. As I closed the metal door the first bell rang and I sprinted to my history class, praying that I wouldn't be late.

I slid into my seat with mere seconds to spare and reached into my bad for a notebook and pen. I twisted slightly to try and catch Stiles's eye, just to convey that he was being ridiculous. 

Instead I caught him turning away from me sharply and look out the window, not returning any of the gazes I gave him throughout the rest of the period.

For some reason that little gesture hurt me more than I ever could have imagined.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to those who commented, it was a wonderful and much appreciated surprise. I dedicate this chapter specially to you two. Hm, I should probably say hello to the new subribers. Hi guys! I won't be able to update for a few days, I have testing for the next three or so, so they have to take priority. But after that it's summer vacation and I can't write as often and long as I want. So I'm done ranting until the next author's note. Hope you enjoy!