Trust the Instinct

Taking Chances

I was running through the woods, searching for something, no, someone. I came into a clearing where the moon shone brightly. A group of people were there, weapons in their hands. 

Among them were Allison and the school principal who I also believed to be her grandfather. The other man and woman with them must have been Allison's parents.

They were all gathered around a large tree, as I got closer I saw that Scott was chained to it. But it didn't look like Scott, no, there was too much hair, and a sinister look on his face that my cousin couldn't possess. 

Yet this creature was wearing the same clothes as my dear cousin and as it looked at me I knew, I just felt that it was him.

Behind him I saw Stiles being held back by one of the men with Allison and her family and in a heap laid three other people that had the same facial features as Scott as that moment, they appeared to be breathing but something in my gut told me that they wouldn't be for long.

I heard them talking to Scott but I couldn't make out the words. All I saw was the flash of a silver blade and I ran forward screaming. I heard the blade cut through something and looked up in time to see my cousin cut in half. I fell to my knees sobbing, letting out guttural noises as my body was wracked back and forth.

I felt strong arms wrap around me and shake me, calling my name softly. Gradually the voice got louder and louder.

"Delia, Delia wake up!" I gasped and sat up in my bed, looking over at the figure that called my name. I sighed with relief when I saw it was Stiles.

"What happened?" I asked, noticing my hands shook as I tried to comb through my hair. He looked at me peculiarly "I don't know, you were sleeping when I climbed through the window and before I could wake you up you started to cry and scream. I was calling your name for a while." 

I looked at him in shock as I felt my face, which was wet from tears. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to calm myself down. "It was so vivid." I whispered, feeling my lower lip begin to shake.

He sat next to me in the bed, wrapping his arms around me, I rested my head on his shoulder and started to calm down. "What was the dream about?" I looked up at him through my lashes and took another deep breath before telling him the details of my nightmare.

When I finished he looked really worried, as of there were some truth behind my words. "It was just a dream, I wouldn't worry about it Deils, no one is going to let anything like that happen." I looked at him quizzically, he spoke as if there were a chance of my dream coming true. I decided that I had misheard him and pulled out of his arms. 

I got off the bed and locked the door, hoping that no one would come and try to check on me. I looked back at Stiles who was staring at me, for the first time it dawned on me that I probably looked like a wreck. I glanced in the mirror and hid a face of horror, my hair was all over the place and knotted and my large shirt was falling off my small frame.

I quickly pulled my shirt into place and put my hair into a messy ballerina bun as I went to the other side of my bed and pulled up a loose floorboard. I gently took the box out of the hole and placed it on my olive comforter, fixing the floorboard as quietly as possible. 

I climbed back onto the bed and clambered over to Stiles, tucking my legs underneath me, flinching as leaned too much on the brace they put on at the hospital. He picked the box up and turned it over, looking for something. He lightly traced the lock with his finger, "Have you tried a lock kit?" I gave him a dead stare "Oh why hadn't I thought of that before? Stiles you're so smart." I said sarcastically taking the box from him.

I traced the flowered patterns on the box, running my nails along the edges where the flowers were raised from the wood. I jumped suddenly, remembering something Stiles told me. "What were the properties  of this flower again Stiles?" I asked excitedly. 

He smiled, realizing where I was going with this. "They can open any lock!" He fumbled for the box and started to try and pry off some of the flowers. I shook my head at him and gently took the box back before he broke it. I picked it up to eye level and turned it over, finding what I was looking for nearly immediately.

I found a flower where the edges were slightly discolored, I gently began to lift it from its spot and to my surprise it came off easily. I waved the piece at Stiles in triumph and he rolled his eyes. I took a shaky breath as I glance at the piece in my hand, I realized I was nervous.

"Stiles why did you come tonight?" I asked suddenly, trying to stall as long as possible. "What do you mean?" he asked, leaning back against my pillows.

"Well, its not like we were that fond of one another. Now all of a sudden you're interested in what I'm doing and you do things like take me to the hospital and hug me when I wake up crying. Then there's the kissing too, I just want to know what I means." I flipped back onto my bed, completely exasperated.

He laid next to me and grabbed my hand. "You know," he started "I really don't know what's going on. I know that I don't hate you anymore, not that I really ever did. But I just don't know, you frustrate me, a lot of the time; it gets me so pissed and I don't know what to do about it. Then there are times when I look at you and I just want you, but I don't like you in that way because I like Lydia." 

I rolled onto my side and propped my head on my arm. "It's hormones you moron, and I'm glad that's all it is because I don't like you either." He sat up at my explanation. "I think friends is an appropriate title then." I smiled at his suggestion, "Friends it is then." We shook on it and I picked up the fallen flower on the floor. 

"You ready?" I asked him, my nerves subsiding a bit. He nodded and prompted me to open it. I put the wooden shape into the brass lock, pushing it in until it wouldn't fall, I turned it to the left, my body tensing when I heard I click.

I glanced at Stiles before lifting the lid slowly. When I saw the contents of inside the box I exhaled, aware that I had been holding my breath. I chucked darkly, reaching inside. "Look at that, it was a jewelry box after all." 

I lifted the worn and plain silver chain, examining it. Attached to the bottom was a teardrop shaped stone, that appeared bright blue in the light but when the shadow of my hand fell across it it turned as white as the moon.

"How anti-climatic" Stiles cracked, trying to break the mood and our obvious disappointment. I put the necklace back in its box and put the box back under its floorboard. I would figure out more about it tomorrow or something. "Thanks Stiles for coming, sorry that it was a waste of time." I said walking him to the window, trying to keep the complete disappointment out of my voice.

"It wasn't a waste, it was nice" He smiled before climbing out into the tree. I walked back to my bed when he poked his head back through the window. "Cute shirt by the way." He mocked.

"Batman is the fucking shit! Now get out!" I said, throwing a notepad at him. I smirked with satisfaction when I heard it hit him, even though he had tried to duck and out run it. 

I turned off my light and settled under the covers, feeling completely let down and like I had just been lied to. I rolled onto my side and faced my closet, shutting my eyes and drifted off to sleep feeling completely unhappy. 

What I failed to notice was a faint silver glow emitting from a certain floorboard in my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you guys really think I was letting go of the box that easily? That thing as turned into my
baby, I just hope I can make it as awesome and iconic on screen as it is in my head. I really like how this chapter turned out, I like writing the softer side of Stiles instead of the guy thts trying to win every mind game. Anyway, thank you guys for subscribing and commenting, it makes me want to write for this story even more :) I hope you enjoy this chapter!