Trust the Instinct

I Write Sins Not Tragedies

"I see your wearing the necklace." Stiles said very close to my ear. We were walking in one of the court yards the mall had, Lydia went off with Scott and Allison for a bit. She said she wanted us to be alone.

"Yeah, I didn't see the harm in it." I shrugged, fingering the delicate chain around my neck. "You were hoping something cool would happen wouldn't you?" I turned away so he couldn't see the small smile playing on my lips. "Maybe..." I murmured. He laughed and pulled me into his arms, squeezing me tightly. I felt my stomach drop nervously. 

I knew he was only acting this way because he thought it would make Lydia upset and realize how wonderful he was. The worst part was that he thought I was only acting when there was a small part of me the genuinely liked him, even if i told him there wasn't. I sighed and rested my head on his shirt. "Stiles, you know that Lydia isn't jealous right, she actually sounded happy for you when We were talking earlier." 

There, it was done. I wouldn't have to feel bad anymore, now I would just have to be miserable watching him be hung up on her. He tended and moved away from me slightly, he cleared his throat before talking. "I noticed but there really isn't anything we can do about it. It's not like we can break up now, it would look too weird."

I looked down to hide my joyful smile and compose myself. I looked up at him, feigning sadness, "I guess, so how long do you think we have to last?" He huffed in semi-annoyance, "At least a month, that gives us time to look like a couple and get into a huge fight."

"Fine." I snapped, trying my best to appear annoyed by this news as well. "It could always be worse." he looked at me, his brown eyes urging me to continue "I could demand that you put on the lingerie next time in front of them all, and tell them we have kinky nights." 

His eyes and mouth opened in disbelief and I laughed loudly, he pushed me hard and started laughing himself. "Speaking of that, why did you try that on?" 

We started walking to the food court where we were going to meet up with the others. "Lydia made me, and I don't know I didn't have a matching pair." He looked at me and scoffed "Cordelia Dimitriev how on earth could you not have matching lingerie?"

I smirked and pulled down his shirt a bit and pulling down his jeans as well "You're obviously not one to talk Genim Stilinski" My voice was dangerously low and I had noticed the lack of space I had created between the two of us. With a nervous laugh I pulled away from him, not wanting him to get suspicious of my motives. 

He reached for my hand  and held it tight, we were getting close to them now. As we approached the table Lydia and Allison looked very happy to see us, Scott on the other hand, not so much. 

I looked at the two girls quizzically. "He just wants to lay some ground rules down. They might be best friends but Scott adores you, so if Stiles hurts you it's all over for him." Allison explained, I looked sheepishly at the two boys.

 Stiles gave me a nervous look and I gave him a reassuring smile. Scott looked back and saw this and smiled a bit too. After that their conversation was over pretty quick and they returned to the table.

"Well that explains why you sat on his lap earlier." I blushed at Scott's remark, hiding my face in my hands. "That had nothing to do with this, I just wanted to sit in the front seat." I explained again,  finally taking my hands away from my face.

"Delia, you want anything to eat?" Allison asked as the others got up from the table. I shook my head "No, I'm more of a two meal person, I'll just sit here and keep the table." She nodded and walked away with Scott, leaving me alone.

I rubbed my neck in annoyance,un-clasping it and putting it in my hand. I looked at it bitterly, I didn't even know if the stupid thing was real or not. I went to put it in my bag when I pulled too hard on it and the strap broke. 

I placed the torn pieces together and sighed, today just wasn't my day. I really didn't want to sew it when I got home. As I was figuring out exactly how bad the tear was it fixed itself. I know it sounds weird but I tried to pull the strap away again and it didn't budge, it was almost as if it never happened. 

I put the bag down as I saw the others approach and put the necklace back on, wishing that it was more comfortable.  "Here, have some" Stiles said pushing some fries toward me as he sat down.

I looked at him in awe, he had remembered that fries were my favorite. "So when did you guys start dating." I looked at Stiles when Scott asked. I sighed before answering him and began on the first of many lies that would end up being told to him.


When we got into the parking lot there were barely any other cars. Not another soul was there either. We all saw the two girls off and I promised to go out with them during the week. 

We started to walk back to Scott's car when the boys stopped. Stiles instantly tightened his grip around me and pushed me behind him.

"Scott, how lucky we are to catch you here." I looked out from behind Stiles' back and saw the man Scott was talking to a few weeks earlier. Behind him stood a girl I recognized from school as well as a curly haired boy about my age.

"Hello Stiles" the girl called out and I felt him stiffen. On an instinct I stroked his back, making him relax a bit. 

"Now is not the time for your games Erica, we are here for the flash drive, nothing else." the man said again, advancing toward the three of us. Stiles began to back up, taking me with us. Scott on the other hand stood his ground and then he seemed to transform.

I gasped as I saw him turn into the creature I saw from my dream, I turned to the other three and recognized them instantly as the ones lying in a pile. I stiffened my grip on Stiles and he realized that I had connected the dots between them all.

"What are they?" I whispered, he looked down at me guiltily. "Werewolves" was his one worded reply. I felt myself stiffen and jump as the biggest leapt toward Scott. "We need to run." Scott said before turning around and sprinting ahead, keeping his grip on my hand tight. I broke free from him and ran back. Scott was a bloody mess and they all took turns charging at him. 

A strange, powerful feeling came over me then and I walked over to them all, standing directly in front of my cousin. "I would move girl, I wouldn't want to waste such a pretty neck by breaking it." I narrowed my eyes at the large one, the feeling growing more and more powerful. 

I stood where I was and he ran towards me, instinctively I threw my hands out in front of me. What I didn't expect was the bright flash that came after and sent him airborne. The other two began to run towards me and I tried to do the same thing again but it didn't work as well, they were still able to come forward.

 "Stop" I yelled, my voice had lowered considerably but that wasn't the strangest part. The two of them had stopped mid-run, and looked as though they couldn't move. I turned back and knelt down towards Scott, trying to help stop the bleeding. 

"Delia," He groaned, clutching his side. "Your neck." I looked down and gasped. What Scott had been trying to say was my necklace. And the fact that it was glowing a bright silver, just like the moon that bound him forever.
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Another not so great chapter, I'm sorry guys. But I promise this is all necessary for the rest of the story. Everything is happening now and a lot of cooler/better stuff will happen later that will make this look a lot more out together. Again, thanks for the comments guys, pure all perfect and wonderful :D