Trust the Instinct

Knights Of Cydonia

"So you're a werewolf?" I asked my cousin for the third time. We had gotten home just fine after my little show in the parking lot. A little shaken up the three of us found ourselves in Scott's room. 

I was sitting cross-legged on his bed in my oldest pajamas and unfortunately the bear I still had from when I was little in my lap. 

Scott sat on the floor in front of me and was still healing from his attack, only a few scars remained, those he said came from Derek, who had become the alpha. 

Finally, Stiles sat on Scott's computer, the flash drive was plugged in and he was looking at files furiously. Every so often profanities would stream from his mouth as he had to look up something else but I didn't pay him much mind.

"And there is not only Derek and his pack out to get you but the Argents are trying to kill every werewolf? Oh then your dating Allison too on top of it all?"  Scott looked back at me guiltily still nodding.

"Then I top it all off there is this fucking creepy lizard thing that's running around killing people because it likes to? And you didn't think about telling me any of this?" "I'm sorry Delia, I just thought it would be worse for you if you had to deal with all of this on top of moving here."

I felt my anger dissipate and I slid off the bed and hugged him. "Sorry Scott, you were just doing what you thought was right. I just wished you had told me and not that jackass with the girls voice." He laughed softly and hugged me tighter. 

"You're still bleeding" I noted, pulling out a tissue and putting it up to his face. He leaned into my hand and sighed, his eyes closing a bit. I frowned in pity, of all the people this had to happen to it was a shame this was put on him.

"I can't fucking read this!" I got up and walked over to Stiles, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. "Oh, it's Latin." I stated obviously. "You can read it?" He asked looking at me in awe. "A bit, we had to take it in my last school." 

I leaned over him to get a better view at the screen, "Why were you looking up Daughter of Devana?" I said, scrutinizing the text. He pointed out a picture included in the passage. "That's your necklace, and look, there's the box." I sighed and shifted my weight, looking at the text closely.

"It says that the necklace consists of a moonstone, and that it was once worn by Devana, goddess of the hunt and the night. She placed all her power into the stone and have it to one of her most loyal followers. It says here that it was passed down for centuries but they lost track of it a while back. That stone has the ability to control any creature of the night as well as any hunter of those creatures."

I looked away from the screen for a moment to look at the two boys, who were staring around the thing at my neck like it was a gold mine. "That's probably why it was so dangerous" I told Stiles. "Anyone controlling the stone had the ability to wipe out the other group. Not that we are going to." I said looking at Scott. 

"That's great, I can use that and finally get rid of Derek and his pack." I heard Scott say from behind me as I continued reading. "You can't use it Scott." I told him, a frown pulling at my full lips.

"Why not, I promise to give it back." his voice was light and joking but I looked back at him gravely. "No, you really can't use it. The Bestiary says that only females with a claim in the black arts can use it." 

"In english Cordelia." he said, seemingly nervous. "Well apparently you need to be a witch in order for the stone to work." I said bitterly, kicking one of his sneakers across the room.

Of course something like this would happen to me. Just when I thought I could handle things like Scott and his problem and the whole moving thing I have to figure out this. The necklace wasn't a problem at all, I could have just pulled it apart and threw it on the ocean. The fact that I have some kind of power though, that can't exactly go away.

"You know Deils that explains a lot from when we were younger." I looked at my cousin quizzically, urging him to continue. "Remember when we were wishing that we had a dog to play with? Then right after you said it out loud a puppy came running through the bushes in my yard?" 

"Scott you and I both know that was a coincidence, it doesn't mean that I really am a witch." I said, mostly to try and prove it to myself although I already knew the truth.

"Alright, then what about the time you broke your mom's vase? It was shattered into a thousand pieces then all you said was that you thought you could fix it and before you could even blink it was new again."

I sighed, I couldn't really counter his argument although I had completely forgotten that had happened. "I guess you're right then." I said begrudgingly, sitting back down on his bed.

I played with the chain around my neck more, taking notice that it was a lot more comfortable now than it was this afternoon. "We have to watch her now." I looked up at Stiles abruptly, wondering about his strange request.

He rolled his eyes at us and continued, "Derek knows about her now and he's going to try and get to her and that necklace. Plus the Argents are never far behind so we have to do our best and keep her away from them."

"Fine." the word left my mouth short and bitter, but I knew it was for the best. "The only thing is that you two need to help me figure out who game me this. If I find them they will know more about it and my powers and they may be able to train me."

"Train you for what exactly?"

I smiled down wanly at my cousin. "You can't do this alone Scott, any help you can get you should be grateful for. If I can figure out how to be better at this." I pretended to hold a wand and swished and flicked "Then it's going to help you."

He looked at me grimly, I could see that he didn't like the idea but he was contemplating it all the same. "I'm in." I looked gratefully at Stiles as he continued. "She's right man, you need all the help you can find and what better help is there than someone who can kick ass without laying a finger on the other person."

I could see that he was on the brink of agreeing so for the second time that night I slid down to be with him on the floor. "Just try it Scott, and when you think that things are getting too dangerous here I'll leave." I had no intention of keeping this promise however I had no intention of watching my cousin get slaughtered either.

"Fine" He said, defeated. "But you leave the moment I tell you to." "Of course, you have my word." He scrutinized my face but I kept it clear, shaking on the deal that I knew would be broken sooner or later.

 "We can start tomorrow, for now we should get some sleep and Stiles you better get home before your father starts to look for you." I got up and started grabbing my things from around the room as Scott moved towards his bed. 

"I'm actually staying the night. I'll see you in the morning." he said before kissing me quickly, I raised my hand to cover my blush as I left the room, cursing him for making me embarrassed in front of my cousin.

Although I would have preferred to have that feeling back as opposed to the stomach dropping, guy wrenching realization that he only did it because Scott was there.
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Holy crap I cannot believe that I have 21 subscribers, thank you all so much. I would like to give a special thanks to mrsshysinger andTaco!Lover because they have commented on basically every chapter I have posted and I honestly look forward to their feedback as much as I look forward to posting another chapter to this story. So thank you both. So about this chapter, it's short I know but it explains a bit more about Delia and what exactly happened in the last chapter.