Messing With My Head

Letting go of someone you’ve loved for a really long time in order for them to be happy. It tears you up inside, it gives you a feeling that could be described as your insides being on fire and it leaves you in tears. You tell yourself that it’s for the best, that they’ll be better off without you but the longer you tell yourself that… you slowly start realizing that it probably was the worst thing for you.
So maybe letting go wasn’t what was best, but I have no clue what would be better. All I can say is that, wherever I am today or tomorrow, whoever I meet, … there’s an emptiness inside of me that can only be filled by you.
Love, Louis


"This is incredibly well written. You definitely give a new outlook on a 1D fanfic. I really like the freshness of your writing. You hold emotion really well in your writing too." - Minnesota518
"There was so much raw emotion on here and it's so well written." - Vintage Arsenic