Messing With My Head

Bailey and The Mini-Van Band

Harry’s point of view

It’s been close to two months since I last saw Bailey, due to stuff going on with the band and such. It’s definitely not easy to keep any kind of relationship going, but so far we’ve managed to talk at least five times a week – only counting actual conversation. Whenever I could, I’d send her a text because she’s really grown on me.

Luckily for both my sanity, my health and anything else that might be important for me – it was time to go back to London and get ready for that well deserved and well needed break. The past month we’ve been planning a trip to Costa Rica – just us guys, the girlfriends and Bailey. I don’t know what it’ll be like for Bailey to spend a week and a half with Eleanor, or the other way around – even though I highly doubt Eleanor knows that Bailey is Lou’s ex. I’m still excited for the trip.

“COSTA RICA BABY! AY AY AY!” Niall screams, happily jumping on his seat and grinning from ear to ear – causing Zayn to throw his hands in the air and start dancing around in his seat. I’m pretty sure none of us could really hold back any excitement anymore. Ten days in a beautiful country, with lots of alcohol.

My leg bounces up and down quickly as we wait in the car for Bailey, Danielle and Eleanor to arrive. “I’m gonna go crazy… if they don’t get here soon because I wanna get to the airport.” Niall sings, impatiently tapping everything in his reach. “Drum solo by the amazing… the talented… NIALL HORAN!” He screams, before putting his hands around his mouth making ‘crowd’-noises.

“You’re way too easily entertained by yourself. Plus, my guitar solo beats your drum solo any day.” A grin spread across my face as I start rocking out on my air guitar, putting one foot up against the seat in front of me. “Mewwwww, mewww, nanananana!” I sing along, while moving my fingers in the air.

Niall jumps up, tapping the roof of the car and the window – kicking Louis’ seat using it as a bass drum. Eventually Lou joined in, making low noises as if to be playing a bass. Liam and Zayn are just occasionally throwing in a high pitch ‘Lalala’ as if to be backing vocals, we’re all just rocking out in a mini-van when suddenly the door gets pulled open.

“Oh… that’s attractive.” Bailey looks at us in shock before bursting out in laughter, nearly falling over so she decides to lean on my leg which I, ever so happy, put back on the ground making her fall in the car. As I watch her, struggling to get up and trying not catch her breath – I just grab her legs and pull them into the car. Making room for the other two to get in, in the process.

While the car is driving, Bailey struggles to sit up right and when she finally manages to get up, she looks around noticing that the only place left is squeezed in between me and Lou. “Déjà vu.” She mumbles squeezes her curvy hips in between the both of us.

“You look beautiful, Bails.” Louis’s smiles down at her and I can immediately tell she’s uncomfortable.

Since we’ve been talking for a couple of months now, she put some trust into me and told me bits and pieces about her and Louis. I eventually put it all together and came to the conclusion that… Lou was a prick to her – and that both of them can’t forget about the past.

“Why thank you, Lou. Your girlfriend looks beautiful as well.” A silent ‘oh snap’ falls from my lips, making her giggle while Eleanor thanks her politely. Once again, there’s obvious tension between the two of them – a tension that everyone seems to sense but only me, Lou and Bailey manage to understand.

We had made it through the airport – all the way onto the plane. And it seems as if the moment their asses hit the seats, their energy level went down. Niall has been drooling all over his seat, while Zayn took the opportunity to snuggle into Niall’s shoulder and most likely wetting Niall’s shirt as well. Danielle and Eleanor were constantly talking about stuff, sorta leaving Bailey to sit by herself looking around – every so often starting a staring contest with me.

I must say, sometimes I did wonder whether she was staring at me or Louis – but I’ll find out soon enough. A smirk creeps onto my lips as I stare at her face, watching her eyes just waiting for her to blink – and slowly but surely, I part my lips breathing out the words carefully. “I’m in love with you.”

Her eyes widen but soon a smug grin appears on her lip, she reaches for her water bottle blindly – throwing it at me. A cool breeze passes me and suddenly I can hear a thud coming from behind me making both me and Bailey look at Louis who’s pulling out his earplugs. “Really?” He sighs, making Bailey laugh – his face immediately softens as he hands her back the bottle. “I’ll get you back.” He grins, making her giggle.
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Thank you for all of this, it's amazing! TWO THINGS!
1. Thank you to Zelda for being an awesome editor and helping me out!
2. I'm working on a Harry Styles fanfiction with Zelda!